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  3. Preview ads /

How to preview ads on TikTok Ads Manager

Last updated: February 2025

Previewing your ad allows you to envision what your ad will look like once it's been published.

Before you begin

Your ad must be approved before you can preview it.

How to preview ads

To preview ads:

  1. Create an ad in TikTok Ads Manager or edit an existing ad from your campaign list.

  2. Once you've uploaded your media, an ad preview box will show your ad on the righthand side.

  3. Click the app icon to change app previews.

  4. Click the arrows at the top of the preview to change ad format previews.

  5. Use the progress bar at the bottom of the preview to find specific video frames you want to preview.

  6. To the right of the progress bar, click the full screen icon for an expanded view.

Note: The ad preview is not specific to a device. There might be slight differences in appearance when it comes to different devices.

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