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About Showtimes

Last updated: March 2025

Showtimes is a native experience optimized for movie studio advertisers to drive movie-going intent and Showtime LookUps from TikTok, directly to ticketing partners.

Showtimes is currently available to USA-based movie studio advertisers and allowlisted movie studio advertisers in Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Note: For allowlisted movie studio advertisers, reach out to your account team to ensure your movie's account is enabled.

Showtimes allows you to:

  • Showcase a movie trailer.

  • Automatically generate showtimes and theaters based on a user’s selected location.

  • Connect users to check-out partners from within TikTok.

  • Offer users the option to purchase from all movie ticketing partners (AMC, Atom Tickets, Movitetickets.com, Cinemark, Regal) or only Fandango.

  • Measure metrics such as page views, dwell times, check-out partner clicks, and trailer view rates.

With Showtimes, you can accelerate the purchase funnel to make movie-going easier for users throughout presale, opening, and chase week:

  • Seamless user experience: Fast load times and native TikTok experience of the Showtimes page drives increased page views and dwell times.

  • Increased Showtime LookUps: More users who select showtimes and click-out to your ticketing partners.

  • Continuous Optimization: Rich, onsite signal density optimizes for moviegoers and improves cost per actions and overall performance.

The following Buying Types are supported:

  • Auction

  • Reach & Frequency

The following Ad Objectives are supported:

  • Sales

  • Traffic

  • Video View

  • Reach

Note: You can use the Conversion objective and optimize for Partner Click-Outs without TikTok Pixel.