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TikTok Beta Tester Program
TikTok's Beta Tester Program provides a select group of advertisers with the ability to test some of our latest features. By joining the program, you are letting TikTok know that you would like access to some of the latest TikTok ad products and are willing to participate in beta tests.
By joining the Beta Tester Program, you may:
Gain Early Access: As a Beta Tester, you may receive access to some of the latest TikTok ad product features. For example, new ad formats or optimization options aimed at improving performance. You may also be considered for case study development upon the formal launch of these new features.
Influence Products: Your participation will play an important role in how these brand new features are finalized and released. Your overall experience, as well as any issues you may encounter, may directly shape the product.
Receive Ad Incentives: Depending on the features you are testing, you may receive credits for your participation. If you're eligible to receive ad incentives, you'll receive a notification in you TikTok Ads Manager.
There are three different levels of beta tests. Some levels require opting in, some require opting out and some you may be automatically enrolled into. Learn more about test levels in TikTok's Beta Tester Program.
Note: The features in the Beta Tester Program may operate differently from TikTok’s generally available advertising products and services. Beta tests are generally aimed towards improving performance but are in the early stages of development, so we cannot guarantee specific performance or product outcomes. Beta features may be incomplete or contain flaws, they may impact metrics rendering reporting inaccurate, and may be discontinued anytime at our discretion.