How to see your ads performance in TikTok Ads Manager

Last updated: January 2025

You can see your ads performance on the Dashboard and Campaigns pages in TikTok Ads Manager. The Dashboard page shows summarized data. The Campaigns page allows you to view details or results of campaigns, ad groups, and ads.

How to see your ads performance

To see your ad performance on the Dashboard page:

  1. Click the Dashboard page in TikTok Ads Manager.

  2. Click View Log to monitor the operation logs of the account.

  3. Go to Ad Group Status to view the status of all ad groups: Active, Disapproved, and Out of Budget.

  4. Under Performance you can view performance as a Graph. Click Data to view performance metrics by Cost, Impressions, Clicks (destination), Conversions.

    1. Click the Calendar icon to filter the date and time of performance metrics.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view Insights for information on top performing videos and reached audiences.

To see your ad performance on the Campaign page:

  1. Click the Campaign page in TikTok Ads Manager.

  2. Click the Campaign, Ad group, or Ad tab.

  3. Scroll down or use the search bar to find your campaign, ad group, or ad.

  4. Scroll to the right to view default column metrics including: Status, Delivery optimization, Budget, Purchase order number, Cost, CPC (destination), CPM, Impressions, Clicks (destination), CTR (destination), Conversions, Conversions (SKAN), Cost per conversion, Cost per conversion (SKAN), Conversion rate (CVR, clicks), Conversion rate (CVR), Conversion rate (SKAN, Clicks), Results, Cost per result, Result rate, Secondary goal result, Cost per secondary goal result, and Secondary goal result rate.

  5. Click the dropdown to view specific metrics by Performance or Settings:

    1. Under Performance, you can view metrics related to: Shop Ads, Reach, Branded Mission, and Community interaction.

    2. Under Settings, you can view metrics related to Setup.

  6. In the dropdown, click Custom Columns to add specific metrics you would like to add to your view.

  7. Use the search bar to add a specific metric such as Paid Like.

    How to see your ads performance in TTAM
  8. Click +Add Custom Metric to create your own.

  9. Click Confirm to complete your view.

  10. Next to the Custom Columns dropdown, click Breakdown to view your data broken out by Day, Week, or Month.

    1. When you select your time period for the data you want to view, you'll see an on/off toggle for Compare, where you can select two different date ranges to compare data between.

  11. Click the Report icon on the top right to Export Report.