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Audience Insights
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Audience Insights provides aggregated information about TikTok users that have been active within the last 30 days, based on all TikTok data, paid and organic, and is not based on campaign-level information. With Audience Insights you can explore TikTok user interests, behaviors, and demographics to maximize results and find new ways to scale. Audience demographics, location, interests, device, and activity are estimated based on factors like user behavior on the app, the information provided by users, and device information.
Note: The accuracy of insights may vary based on the information provided. When you use or rely on such insights to plan your campaign, you agree that these estimates are not a guarantee of results.
Audience Insights has two tabs:
Campaign Potential: A view of your pre-campaign audience insights at the TikTok level.
Campaign Reach: A view of your post-campaign audience insights that can be aggregated across multiple campaigns, ad groups, and ads. Learn how to analyze your post-campaign audience insights data.
You can use the overview tabs to view different types of audience insights. There are four tabs:
Audience Overview: Get a quick view of your audience all in one place: Age, Gender, Country, State, Device OS, Device Prices (only available in USD), Top 10 interests, and Bottom 10 interests.
Interests: Get deeper insights into what your audience is interested in, including Top Hashtags and Ad Interest Categories.
Engagement: Get insights on how engaged and how frequently your audience is using the TikTok app including App opens (times per day), App used (minutes per day), View views (views per day), Video uploads (uploads per day), Video comments (comments per day), Video likes (likes per day), and Video shares (shares per day)
Audience Overlap: Measure the overlap between your selected TikTok Custom Audience benchmark audience and up to four other TikTok Custom Audience segments to view data including audience size, targetable audience, overlap %, and overlap size.
You can configure your audience with the following filters:
Locations: Select up to 5 countries/regions where you target audiences are. At least one location must be selected.
Languages: Select the languages your target audience uses. Language is based on the language the user has selected in the app. There is no limitation to the number of languages selected.
Demographics: Select the age and gender of your audience.
Interests & Behaviors: Select interest and behavior categories to further refine your audience with four optional sub-filters:
Ad Interest Categories: Filter to refine your audience by people who have interacted with specific categories of ads.
Video Interactions: Filter to refine your audience by people who've carried out the following interactions with videos: watched till the end, liked, commented, or shared.
Created Interactions: Filter to define the kind of creators that your audience has interacted with. For example, comedy, drama, or talent.
Hashtag Interactions: Filter to refine your audience by people who've watched videos with a specific hashtag. Users can enter a specific hashtag. For example, filter audiences based on users who have watched videos with #mascara.
Devices: Select the Operating system (No limit, iOS, Android), OS version, and Device Price.