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Carousel Ads
Last updated: May 2024

Carousel format is an image-based creative format, allowing advertisers to upload 2-35 images in the sequence. TikTok users can swipe between different images to view more details and control the viewing pace by themselves.

According to our clients' advertising objectives and specific circumstances, we have two solutions for carousel ads.

  • Standard Carousel: Available for Traffic/Web Conversion/App Promotion objectives.

  • VSA Carousel: Available for Product Sales objective. Leverage your catalog images as TikTok-in-feed ads. Multiple SKU images will display in order, which users can slide across to browse.

Differences between Standard Carousel and VSA Carousel

VSA Carousel

Standard Carousel


Product Sales

Traffic, App Promotion, or Web Conversions

Design / Customization

Customization available via API only

Customization via TTAM or API

Recommended Vertical

Commerce Vertical

All other verticals (except Commerce)

Image Source & Type of Image

Catalog Product Images. Shows 2 to 20 product images in each ad

Manual upload; Images can be brand or product focused. Shows 2 to 35 images in each ad



Single destination

Dynamic Product Recommendation


Not Available

Click-through experience

Each image is clickable (via product tag) to a dedicated product link

Each image is not clickable, only CTA and the last image swipe left will redirect the user to the landing page

Carousel Format Demo

For app promotion objective

For web conversions objective

For Product Sales objective (Video Shopping Ads for Catalog)

Why Use Carousel Ads?

  1. Showcase Multiple Products or Services

    • One of the most compelling reasons to use Carousel Ads is the ability to highlight more than one product or service in a single advertisement. Each card in the carousel can feature a different item, giving users a broader view of what your business offers.

  2. Tell a Deeper Story

    • Carousel Ads provide advertisers with the opportunity to tell a multi-part story or to showcase a single product in depth. This depth and diversity can create a more engaging narrative that resonates with your audience.

  3. Test and Learn

    • Carousel Ads allow advertisers to experiment and observe which elements resonate most with the audience. By measuring the CTR on each card, advertisers can gain insights into the effectiveness of different images, headlines, etc.

Ad Specs

For Standard Carousel

For VSA Carousel

Image Requirements

- min 2 - max 35 images


- File size ≤100 KB suggested

- Image resolution:

- Horizontal 1200*628px | Square 640*640px | Vertical 720*1280px

- Minimum images shown: 2

- Maximum images shown: 20

Music Requirements

- Music is a must (will play loop playback)

- Duration >=2s, Supported type: .mp3, .wav, .m4a, .flac

- Can support both CML music and music upload (File size: Up to 10M; Music format: MP3)

- Music is a must (will play loop playback)

- Duration >=2s, Supported type: .mp3, .wav, .m4a, .flac

- Can support both CML music and music upload (File size: Up to 10M; Music format: MP3)

Ad Requirements

- Only allows one ad caption and call-to-action for all images

- One URL for all images (Not powered by a feed/product catalog)

- Not supported: SPC, CBO, ACO, and Spark Ads

- Only allows one ad caption and call-to-action button

- Each product image can be led to a unique product link (powered by Catalog)

- Not supported: SPC, ACO, and Spark Ads