Shop Ads Measurement

About TikTok Shop Ads attribution

Last updated: August 2024

When you create TikTok Shop Ads, you can measure your ad performance based on the actions people take after seeing your ad.

The attribution logic for Shop Ads is consistent. Shop Ads dynamically optimizes your ads across all available placements, including the TikTok video feed, Search, and Shopping Center. We will not attribute a purchase to multiple TikTok Shop Ads.

Key concepts

Unless you choose a different attribution setting, TikTok Shop Ads uses the 7-day click, 1-day view attribution (7D CTA, 1D VTA). We attribute a purchase when a buyer who places an order clicks on an ad of the same shop within the last 7 days (168 hours) or views an ad of the same shop within the past day (24 hours).

If the buyer clicks and/or has seen one ad in the relevant time periods (7D for click, 1D for view), we will attribute the order to that ad. If not, we will not attribute the order to ads.

If the buyer has clicked or seen multiple ads in the relevant time periods (7D for click, 1D for view), we will only attribute the purchase to one ad according to the following logic:

  • Click takes precedence over View: Someone clicks on ad A 50 hours ago, then views Ad B 1 hour ago, and makes a purchase. We attribute the purchase to ad A, which is the ad click touchpoint.

  • Within Click and then within View, recency takes precedence: For example, the buyer clicks Ad A 50 hours ago and clicks Ad B 1 hour ago. We will attribute the purchase to Ad B, which is the most recent ad click touchpoint.

For shops which have been included in the integrated ads and affiliates solution, if in the last 7 days the user did not click on ads but in the last 14 days the user clicked on affiliate links belonging to the same shop, the order may not be attributed to ads even if the user viewed ads in the past day.

Learn more about Shop Ads reporting.