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How to Apply for a Credit Line on Business Center

Lần cập nhật gần nhất: February 2025

For accounts using monthly invoicing as the payment type, the credit line is the virtual amount that supports the account to consume it first and then pay it when the threshold is reached or the billing date. The credit line should be applied first, then you can increase it into the balance for consumption if approved. The credit line is given at the account level, then you can edit the balance on the ad account page or business center page.

The types of accounts that can apply for a credit line:

  • The account has a non-self serve agency business center

  • The account type must be agency or direct

  • The agent corresponds to the non-sequential creditor's rights of the contract

  • The contract is effective and the payment type is Monthly Invoicing

  • There is no valid credit line under the account

  • There is no ongoing application under the account

  1. Click the Apply Credit Line. Note: This button will appear for qualified accounts.

  2. Fill in all mandatory information.

  3. Click Submit.

If you submit the application successfully, then the status on business center displays Your application is in review. If the application is backed by reviewers, then you will see the button Provide Additional Information. It means you are requested to provide more information to support the application.

If the application is rejected by reviewers, then the portal will be hidden for 24 hours. If the application is approved by reviewers, then the account will obtain the approved result. If there is only one business center under the account, the credit line will be added into the balance automatically.

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How to Use Credit Line Funds
How to set up monthly invoicing
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