Advertising policy resources
Shop Ads Measurement
Product level reporting helps you analyze the performance of your products purchased through your TikTok Shop Ads. You can find reports for your products in the Analytics tab in TikTok Ads Manager.
You'll need an ad account in TikTok Ads Manager.
Make sure you have the necessary permissions to view analytics and create custom reports.
To view your Shop Ads performance at the product level:
Go to TikTok Ads Manager.
Click Analytics
Click Custom Reports
Hover on Create
Choose From Template
Click TikTok Shop Product performance as your reporting template
Click Create.
You'll see your TikTok Shop product performance report. You can choose different filters and change your reporting windows to get the reports you want. If you want to download the file, click Export.
Product level reports will be in the same currency as the ad account currency. If your shop uses a different currency, you might see some variation in your converted figures depending on the currency exchange rate.
If a product is deleted or made unavailable in Seller Center, it will not remove the product from the list of products sold attributed to the campaign's ads.
If shop authorization is revoked, it will not remove the data from the product level report.
Your products' gross revenue includes platform price discounts. Learn more about gross revenue for TikTok Shop Ads.
Orders and product sales metrics are different between Seller Center and TikTok Ads Manager. Learn why your metrics in Seller Center and Ads Manager might be different.
Learn how to troubleshoot a missing ROAS metric in your product level report.