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Shop Ads Measurement

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Why your metrics in Seller Center and Ads Manager might be different

Last updated: February 2025

In some cases, reports in Seller Center and Ads Manager might show different metrics. This might be due to different metric definitions, TikTok accounts and the content of your ads. Some common differences between Seller Center and Ads Manager metrics may include:

The Video report in Data Compass shows higher ads gross revenue or ads orders compared to Video Shopping Ads metrics in Ads Manager

  • In TikTok Ads Manager, you can see video performance reports for ads from a single ad account. However, Seller Center can show metrics from all ad accounts running ads for your shop.

  • Seller Center video performance reports are based on the date someone placed an order, while TikTok Ads Manager metrics are based on the date of an ad click or impression.

  • Seller Center Videos Performance reports include Promote Video and Video-to-Live Live Shopping Ads.

The Video report in Data Compass shows lower ads gross revenue or ads orders compared to Video Shopping Ads metrics in TikTok Ads Manager

  • TikTok Ads Manager can show ads metrics for multiple shops connected to a single ad account. In Seller Center, you'll only see results for the shop connected to your Seller Center account.

  • Seller Center video performance reports are based on the date someone placed an order, while TikTok Ads Manager metrics are based on the date of an ad click or impression.

  • Seller Center video performance reports don't show results for TikTok Accounts which are not this shop's Official or Marketing Accounts.

The Livestream report in Data Compass shows higher ads gross revenue or ads orders compared to Live Shopping Ads metrics in Ads Manager

  • In TikTok Ads Manager, you can see Live Shopping Ads reports for ads from a single ad account. However, Seller Center can show Livestream metrics from all ad accounts running ads for your shop.

  • Seller Center video performance reports are based on the date someone placed an order, while TikTok Ads Manager metrics are based on the date of an ad click or impression.

  • The Seller Center Livestream report includes Promote Live metrics.

The Livestream report in Data Compass shows lower ads gross revenue or ads orders compared to Live Shopping Ads metrics in Ads Manager

  • TikTok Ads Manager can show ads metrics for multiple shops connected to a single ad account. In Seller Center, you'll only see results for the shop connected to your Seller Center account.

  • Seller Center Livestream reports are based on the date someone placed an order, while TikTok Ads Manager metrics are based on the date of an ad click or impression.

  • Seller Center Livestream reports don't show results for TikTok Accounts which are not this shop's Official or Marketing Accounts.

Note: Shop Ads attribute to the "day of touch". For example, if a user clicks an ad and orders it after 7 days, it'll be considered when the ad is clicked. However, Seller Center will consider when the purchase is made. Learn more About gross revenue for TikTok Shop Ads.

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