Advertising policy resources
Shop Ads Measurement
In Seller Center, you can use different metrics to see how your TikTok Shop Ads are performing with your customers. You can see metrics in the Shop Ads and Data Compass sections in Seller Center.
To see metrics in the Shop Ads page, go to Seller Center and click Shop Ads in the left-hand menu. You'll see the following reports:
Use this report to learn how many sales resulted from people who viewed your ads and then decided to buy your products. This report shows your return on ad spend based on the date of an ad impression.
Note: In Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam this report shows only Product Shopping Ads created on Seller Center using the primary ad account. For all regions, this report does not include ads created in TikTok Ads Manager.
Metrics in this report include:
Cost: Sum of your total ad spend
Net cost: Sum of your total ad spend, excluding ad credit or coupons used
Impressions: Number of times your ads were shown
Clicks: Number of clicks from your ads to a specified destination
CTR: Percentage of impressions that resulted in a destination click out of all impressions
CPM: Average amount you spent per 1,000 impressions
CPC: Average cost of each click to a specified destination
Product details page views
Checkouts initiated (TikTok Shop): The number of TikTok Shop initiate checkout actions attributed to your ads
Cost per purchase
Purchases per click
Average value per purchase
Gross revenue: The amount buyers paid, less any sales taxes, plus any TikTok Shop platform product discounts provided to them
Remember, if someone clicked an ad and purchased your product the next day, the purchase and revenue will be recorded on the day they clicked your ad. Unless you customize your attribution settings, for this report we use an ads attribution window of 7 days post-click or 1 day post-view.
To see metrics in the Data Compass page, go to Seller Center and click Data Compass in the top menu. You'll see the following reports:
Use this report to learn how many people decided to buy your products after watching a video posted on your official and marketing TikTok accounts. You'll see metrics for all shop ads that use videos posted on these TikTok accounts.
Metrics in this report include:
Video views: Number of times your video started to play. For each video impression, plays are counted separately and replays are excluded.
Orders: Number of orders by SKU during the ads attribution window. Remember, you can have multiple orders per purchase action.
Gross revenue: The amount buyers paid, less any sales taxes, plus any TikTok Shop platform product discounts provided to them
Product show rate: PDP views per ads video view
CTR: PDP views per ads impression
CTOR: Orders per ads PDP view
Unless you customize your attribution settings, for this report we use an ads attribution window of 7 days post-click or 1 day post-view.
Use this report to learn how many people decided to buy your products after watching a livestream posted on your official and marketing TikTok accounts. You'll see metrics from livestreams in your shop ads.
Metrics in this report include:
Livestream PV: Number of views after someone clicks to enter the liveroom. This doesn't count in-feed views without clicking into the liveroom.
Orders: Number of orders by SKU during the ads attribution window. Remember, you can have multiple orders per purchase action.
Gross revenue: The amount buyers paid, less any sales taxes, plus any TikTok Shop platform product discounts provided to them
Enter Room Rate: Livestream PV per ads impression
Product Show Rate: Live product clicks per ads livestream PV.
CTR: Live product clicks per ads product card impression. User was in the liveroom when user saw the product card impression.
CTOR: Orders per click on a live product ad
Unless you customize your attribution settings, for this report we use an ads attribution window of 7 days post-click or 1 day post-view.
Use this report to learn how many people decided to buy your products after viewing a product card. You'll see metrics from your Product Shopping Ads created in Seller Center and Ads Manager. This report does not include Video Shopping Ads or Live Shopping Ads.
Metrics in this report include:
PV: Page views, or ads impressions
Orders: Number of orders by SKU during the ads attribution window. Remember, you can have multiple orders per purchase action.
Gross revenue: The amount buyers paid, less any sales taxes, plus any TikTok Shop platform product discounts provided to them
Unless you customize your attribution settings, for this report we use an ads attribution window of 7 days post-click or 1 day post-view.
Use this report to see the overall performance of your shop on TikTok. This report shows shows both ads and non-ads metrics across all sales for your TikTok shop.
Metrics in this report include:
Gross Revenue: The amount buyers paid, less any sales taxes, plus any TikTok Shop platform product discounts provided to them.
Ads Gross Revenue: Sales attributed to ads
Non-Ads Gross Revenue: Sales not attributed to Ads
Ads Gross Revenue not attributed to Affiliate: Sales attributed to ads but not to affiliates
Gross Revenue attributed to both Ads & Affiliate: Sales attributed to both ads and affiliates. These buyers submitted orders after interacting with ads which used affiliate videos.
Affiliate Gross Revenue not attributed to Ads: Sales attributed to affiliates but not to ads.
Gross Revenue not attributed to Ads or Affiliate: Sales not attributed to ads or affiliates.
Note: Seller center reports sales that happen on the day, TikTok Ads Manager reports sales that have happened within the 7-day attribution window.