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Shop Ads Measurement

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About product level reporting in TikTok Ads Manager

Last updated: February 2025

Product level reporting provides a detailed breakdown of products purchased through your Shop Ads.

Note: TikTok Shop Ads are available to all advertisers in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Vietnam.


  • Produce more videos for top ads products.

  • Create more campaigns for top ads products.

  • Increase budgets for existing well-performing campaigns.

  • Improve the sequence of products featured in the ads.

  • Reduce the minimum ROAS target if the products sold are of high margin.

Available filters for product level reporting

  • Ad Account ID

  • SPU ID

  • SPU Name

  • Campaign ID

  • Campaign Name

Available metrics for product level reporting

  • Purchases (Shop)

  • Gross revenue (Shop)

  • Average order value (Shop)

Example of product level reporting

Imagine you are an advertiser running a campaign featuring Products A, B, and C. On Monday, someone clicks on your ad. On Tuesday, they purchase Product B for $10, Product C for $15, and Product D for $50. On Wednesday, they purchase Product C again for $17.

The product level report will show:

  • 1 purchase of Product B for $10

  • 2 purchases of Product C for $32

  • 1 purchase of Product D for $50

The campaign report will show:

  • Your campaign had 2 purchases totaling $92.

This discrepancy occurs because the product level report counts purchases for each product, while the campaign report counts purchases for the campaign overall.

Learn more about product level reporting

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