Advertising on TikTok

About the App Promotion advertising objective
Last updated: July 2024

The App Promotion advertising objective helps you get more users to install and engage with your app and is the best advertising objective to promote your app with Tiktok Ads Manager. This objective is located on the campaign creation page.


With the App Promotion advertising objective, you must select a campaign type. App promotion supports the following campaign types:

  • App install: Get new users to install and take action on your app.

  • App retargeting: Re-engage existing users to take action on your app.

Supported ad group settings

Ad Group settings

App promotion: App install

App Promotion: App retargeting Android & iOS 14.5 and lower

Placement & Format

- TikTok- Pangle- News Feed App

- TikTok- ​Pangle- News Feed App

Ad Format

- Non-Spark Ads- ​Spark Ads

- Non-Spark Ads- Spark Ads


- ​Custom targeting- Automatic targeting- Demographics: Location, Gender, Age, ​Language, Spending Power, Household Income​- Custom audience- Lookalike audience- Interests & Behaviors- Targeting Expansion- Device

- Custom retargeting audience- Demographics: Location, Gender, ​Age, ​Language, Spending Power, Household Income- Interests & Behaviors- Device

Optimization Goal

- Click- ​Install- AEO: ​In-App Event- ​Value

- AEO: In-App Event- Value

Bidding Method

Bidding Methods are determined by Optimization Goal - ​For Click: Bid Cap- ​For Install or AEO: Cost Cap, Lowest Cost- For Value: Highest Value, minROAS

Bidding Methods are determined by Optimization Goal - ​For AEO: ​Cost Cap, Lowest Cost- ​For Value: Highest Value, minROAS

Billing Events

Billing Events are determined by Optimization Goal - ​CPC: Click- oCPM: Install, AEO, Value

Billing Events are determined by Optimization Goal - ​oCPM: AEO, Value