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App retargeting
When creating your custom audience for targeting, include phone and email information to increase the user match rate with TikTok's iOS 14.5 and above opt-in traffic. Use customized files and include as much detailed information as possible to further increase the audience match rate. A higher match rate ensures that you are reaching the right audiences.
Avoid a targeting audience that is too narrow by selecting an audience size greater than 30,000 and a matched audience greater than 5,000.
Learn how to enable unattributed events to specifically postback all channel data to get a broader audience and better delivery performance.
Set a reasonable in-activity window on a Mobile Measurement Partner (MMP). Specifically in Adjust or Branch. The in-activity window is the time a person must be away from your app before it can be re-attributed. The default in-activity window of Adjust and Branch is 7 days.
On re-engaging inactive people, try excluding active people within the MMP in-activity window. For example, retarget people who have performed add-to-cart actions or events in the past 30 days, but exclude those who have made purchases within the last 7 days.
Learn about Deeplinks to improve people's experience and campaign performance. Running retargeting campaigns with the Product Sales objective is powered by Catalog. Ensure that your Catalog includes both iOS URL's and Android URL's product attributes to promote your products through deeplink.
Pay attention to creative relevancy and recall activities within App to improve the App Retargeting delivery performance.
Learn more about App Retargeting.