Spark Ads
Last updated, May 2024


Spark Ads is a native ad format that enables you to leverage organic TikTok posts and their features in your advertising. This unique format lets you publish ads:

  • ​Using your own TikTok account's posts.

  • ​Using organic posts made by other creators – with their authorization.

Unlike Non-Spark Ads (regular In-Feed ads), Spark Ads use posts from real TikTok accounts, which ensures that all views, comments, shares, likes, and follows gained from boosting the video during the promotion are attributed to your organic posts. There's no limit to how many times you can use the same organic TikTok posts as creatives in your ads.

On TikTok Ads Manager, Spark Ads support Auction and Reach & Frequency Buying Types.

  • ​Auction Buying Type Advertising Objectives available for Spark Ads include:

    • ​Reach, Video Views, Community Interaction, Traffic, App Installs, Conversions, Lead Generation, and Shop Purchases (Alpha).

  • ​Reach & Frequency Buying Type Advertising Objectives available for Spark Ads include:

    • ​Reach, Traffic, and Video Views.

Spark Ads Format


spark ads demo

Ad Creative:

  • Organic videos from any TikTok account.

Ad Specs and Caption:

  • No restrictions on Video Ratio/Video Resolution/File Type/Video Duration/Bitrate/File Size.

  • Ad captions can be left blank.

  • Account tagging, Emoji, and hashtags are allowed in Spark Ads' captions.

  • The ad Display Name and Text will reflect the chosen organic post and cannot be edited during the ad creation process on TikTok Ads Manager.

  • If the organic post has been banned, it will be rejected in Ads Manager as well. The advertiser will need to reach out to the post owner. The post owner will have to contact the TikTok Support team about the rejected post.

  • MAX 10 minutes videos can be sparked.

  • An organic video needs to be un-authorized as a Spark Ad before it can be deleted from the organic account.

Note: Each TikTok Ads Manager account can support a maximum of 10,000 Spark Ads.

Non-Spark Ads versus Spark Ads


nonspark vs spark

User Interaction:

  • Non-Spark Ads:

    • Click Call-to-Action (CTA), profile photo, nickname, ad caption, swipe-left to landing page/app install page.

  • Spark Ads:

    • Click CTA buttons and ad caption and go to the advertising landing page (if any).

    • Click profile photo, nickname, swipe left, and go to the video owner's profile page.

    • Click "+" sign on the profile photo to follow the account.

    • ​Click the sound and artist's name and the music disc icon, and go to the music page (This music capability is not available to all users yet, please come to your sales representative for more information).


  • Non-Spark Ads:

    • Paid clicks = clicks recorded to CTA button, ad caption, nickname, profile picture, and swipe left.

    • ​Paid likes: The number of likes the video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

    • Paid shares: The number of times your video creative was shared within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

    • Paid comments: The number of comments your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad

  • Spark Ads:

    • ​Paid clicks = clicks recorded to CTA button and ad caption.

    • ​Music clicks = clicks recorded to Music Disc icon and Music title.

    • Paid likes: The number of likes the video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

    • Paid shares: The number of times your video creative was shared within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

    • Paid followers: The number of new followers that were gained within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

    • Paid profile visits: The number of profile visits the paid ad drove during the campaign.

    • Paid comments: The number of comments your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

    • Anchor clicks: The number of clicks on the anchor in your Spark Ads video in the for-you feed.

    • Anchor click rate: Anchor clicks/anchor impression.

Why Use Spark Ads?

The Spark Ads format has the following benefits:

  • Authentic and unique brand experiences

    • ​Spark Ads provides an opportunity to build and cement your brand image and brand trust by allowing you to add organic TikTok pages and posts to your ads.

  • Increase in ad performance

    • ​We are seeing overall positive campaign results of using Spark Ads on Video Views, Engagement Rate, CVR, and CPM (Completion Rate +30%, Engagement Rate +142%, CVR +43%, CPM -4%) compared to Non-Spark Ads. With Spark Ads, you can also reduce unintended clicks to achieve higher CVR.

  • Innovative features

    • ​Spark Ads support Duet, Stitch, and Sticker features, and allow viewers to click on the post's music.

  • Long-lasting marketing impact and improved ROI

    • ​All of the Spark Ads post engagement will be attributed to the original organic post and can have a positive impact on this organic post's engagement in the future.

    • ​Spark Ads can help to improve customer retention and loyalty and drive new lead generation and re-purchase.

To get started with Spark Ads, refer to the Spark Ads Creation Guide.

Spark Ads Case Studies

  • ​See how a digital bank, Up, used Spark Ads to build brand awareness and boost app installs.

  • See how a French online gaming app, Lanslot, used Spark Ads to engage with its targeted audience on a deeper level and expand its user base while keeping costs controlled and highly efficient.

  • See how an Italian designer clothing brand, Monnalisa, used Spark Ads to bring more visitors to their online stores.

  • See how a coffee brand, Costa, used Spark Ads to generate millions of impressions and increase their following on TikTok by 159%.

  • See how a UKSMB brand, Candy Works, used Spark Ads to double down on an already engaged audience to drive sales and brand awareness.

  • See how an SMB online Jewelry brand, Regaluxa, used Spark Ads and TikTok's new value-based optimization tool to increase ROAS.

  • See how a Malaysia SMB beauty brand, One Doc X Hair Doc, used Spark Ads to drive more appointments amongst existing and new audiences.

Downloadable Resources

For SMB clients, download the following PDFs:

Spark Ads - SMB Guide Full Deck .pdf (9.96 MB)
Spark Ads - SMB Guide Two Pager - PDF .pdf (898.54 KB)
