Advertising on TikTok

TikTok Standard Hashtag Challenge
Last updated: May 2024

Music Recommendation-Multiple Songs

TikTok Standard Hashtag Challenge-Music Recommendation-Multiple Songs-JPG

Music Recommendation-Single Song

TikTok Standard Hashtag Challenge-Music Recommendation-Single Song-JPG

Profile Picture, Background Picture, CTA Button, Disclaimer, External Link, Contest Rules, and Official Videos

Markets: Great Britain & Ireland

TikTok Standard Hashtag Challenge-profile picture1-JPG

All other markets:

TikTok Standard Hashtag Challenge-profile picture2-JPG

Supported Languages

The list below shows the languages supported by HTC multi-language setting. Languages that are not on the list cannot be used in the branded HTC campaign.

  • ​Bahasa Indonesia

  • ​Bahasa Melayu

  • ​Basa Jawa

  • ​Cebuano

  • ​Czech

  • ​German

  • ​English

  • ​Spanish

  • ​Filipino

  • ​French

  • ​Italian

  • ​Hungarian

  • ​Dutch

  • ​Polski

  • ​Portuguese

  • ​Romanian

  • ​Svenska

  • ​Vietnamese

  • ​Turkish

  • ​Greek

  • ​Russian

  • ​Ukrainian

  • ​Marathi

  • ​Hindi

  • ​Bengali

  • ​Punjabi

  • ​Gujarati

  • ​Oriya

  • ​Tamil

  • ​Telugu

  • ​Kannada

  • ​Malayalam

  • ​Thai

  • ​Burmese

  • ​Korean

  • ​Japanese

  • ​Traditional Chinese

  • ​Arabic

Creative Asset


  • ​The character limit of hashtag name: 70 English characters. It is recommended to keep the hashtag name within 18 English characters to make the name display within one line on major mobile devices

  • ​Avoid any spaces, emojis, symbols or punctuation. (When setting the name of a hashtag challenge, emojis cannot be contained, which can be added as an add-on function later separately)

  • ​The Hashtag names will be co-determined by the client and TikTok


  • ​Each individual user's device may have a different size font, zoom, or device resolution. These variables will affect the character length display.

  • ​Few characters in some languages may not be supported on TikTok. Please refer to TikTok's modification advice on determining the hashtag name.

Profile picture

  • ​Picture size: 240*240

  • ​File size: 500KB or less

  • ​ Format: PNG, JPG or JPEG

Note: To reach a better display result, please do not use the picture with a transparent background.

Background picture

  • ​Picture size: 750*800, within 500KB, PNG, JPG or JPEG format

  • ​The background will be added as a layer and will be adjusted. Please do not place important elements in the background picture. To ensure text overlay is properly displayed, background picture's opacity will automatically decrease 90%.

Challenge description

  • ​No character length limit- the description will auto-collapse after 4 lines. Users can click on the 'Expand' button to see the full description.

  • ​Challenge description may include emoji v11. Please note: Emoji may look different across different devices and operating systems, and some v11 emojis may not be supported on some Android devices.

  • ​Challenge descriptions CANNOT contain &, <, >, "", or URLs.

  • ​A sponsorship disclaimer box will appear after the challenge description (see demo).


  • ​In the Disclaimer box, sponsorship information must be included: Sponsored by xx. The external link, emojis or special symbols are not supported in the disclaimer.

  • ​Character limit: no more than 300 English characters.

  • ​ If client is giving prizes to selected winners, two separate disclaimer language for iOS and Android devices are supported. The disclaimer language for iOS is "Sponsored by XXX. Not associated with Apple Inc.", and the disclaimer language for Android is "Sponsored by XXX."


  • ​To localize the disclaimer, please refer to the corresponding language based on the country using this file here.

HTC Ad specs_ Sponsored Related .xls (19.78 KB)

External link

  • ​The external link is optional, clients may add the official website link, campaign link for promotion, or leave it as blank. Only one external link is supported.

  • If client is running a lottery/sweepstakes, an external H5 link is required. In this link, client should give clear instructions about the challenge, rules, prizes and delivery methods,. e.g. See more: (Must include disclaimer: Not associated with Apple Inc.). 

  • ​TikTok URL: Advertisers can provide the TikTok internal URL. External link can direct to TikTok internal URL, including Hashtag Challenge page/ Video page/ Account page / Music page / Branded Effect page.

  • ​Webview URL: Advertisers can provide WebView URL of the landing page. (WebView link is an in-app browser that delivers web content, and opens within TikTok) The URL need to use https (the secure version of standard http) as web protocol, otherwise it may not be recognized. No space, emoji, Chinese character or line break in URL please. Please avoid PDF URL (the URL with a suffix of .pdf or opened up in a PDF format page).

  • ​External link text: The text should be kept within one line, text that extends beyond one line will not be displayed. The recommended character limit: no more than 30 English characters. No punctuation, emoji or symbols are allowed. However, the punctuation & is exempted if it is contained in the brand name.

  • ​The link will be displayed under the disclaimer box.


  • ​Direct link to other App is not supported (If deployed, users will open the landing page within TikTok in the Webview format first.). App download link is not recommended as a separate display for iOS, and for Android users the External link is not supported.

  • ​The landing page dimensions should be compatible with all mobile devices.

  • ​The Client is responsible for testing and improving landing page load time.

  • ​Video or other elements on the landing page should be compatible with both iOS and Android.

  • ​Pre-loading or auto-play on the click-through landing page is not supported.

  • ​TikTok does not provide tests or previews of the landing page. TikTok is not responsible for any problems with the landing page during the delivery process. If there are CTA buttons on the landing page, the Client needs to make sure that those buttons function properly.

  • ​If a well-known person is featured in the creative, the Client must provide proof of endorsement, related authorization, or related third-party reports. If the above requirements cannot be met, the agency is required to issue relevant guarantees and take corresponding responsibilities.

  • ​The URL is not allowed to access the phone's native functionalities (i.e. camera, photo gallery, or microphone).

  • ​The URL is not allowed to collect any TikTok user information, such as username without their knowledge.

  • ​The URL must be reviewed and approved by TikTok. TikTok ad review will be completed within 2 business days upon submission. TikTok is not responsible for any issues caused by delayed submission.

  • ​After TikTok reviews the landing page, no revision of the URL content is allowed; otherwise, the campaign will be shut down and TikTok won't provide any reimbursement or compensation.

  • ​Swiping left or right on landing page has no effect.

  • ​As the background color of TikTok is black, landing pages using the transparent background color will be automatically changed into white.

  • ​Please don’t include the apk in the landing page.

  • ​For jumping from an TikTok internal H5 page to a hashtag challenge video, please use the URL template: snssdk1180://challenge/detail/[id]?is_commerce=1

CTA Button

  • ​The CTA button is optional. When set up, the button appears on the left side of the save button.

  • ​The CTA text can be customized. The text should be kept within one line, text that extends beyond one line will not be displayed. The recommended character length: no more than 16 English characters.

  • ​Punctuation, space, or emoji v11 can be supported in CTA text and will be counted as characters. Please note: Emoji may look different across different devices and operating systems, and some v11 emojis may not be supported on some Android devices.

  • ​Webview URL: Advertiser can provide one WebView URL. (Webview link is an in-app browser that delivers web content, and opens within TikTok. The URL need to use https (the secure version of standard http) as web protocol, otherwise it may not be recognized. No space, emoji, Chinese character or line breaks in URL. Please avoid URL for pdfs (both the URL with a suffix .pdf or a page that opens in a PDF format).

  • App download URL: Please provide two URLs for app download. One is for iOS, and the other one is for Android. CTA button can direct iOS users to Apple store download page, and the iOS link should start with or Android users will open the download page in the Webview format first.


  • ​Direct link to TikTok internal page or other App is not supported. If deployed, users will open the landing page within TikTok in the Webview format first.

  • ​Other notes please refer to External link notes 2-14.

Featured video

  • ​You are responsible for providing featured videos for TikTok's approval. These videos will be pinned at the top of the User Generated Content(UGC) videos with a "Featured" tag. We recommend using at least 3 featured videos for better user engagement. Each market can have 6 featured videos at most.

  • ​Video ratios: 9:16 aspect ratio, ≥720x1280px and 100MB or less; Bitrate: higher than 2,500 kbps

  • ​Video format: MP4, MPEG, 3GP, AVI, MOV

  • ​Length: 5-60 seconds (9-15 seconds is strongly recommended).

  • ​Featured video need to be reviewed by the ad review team

  • ​In-feed ads video may be the same as the featured video

  • ​Hashtag challenge related in-feed ads are recommended to be native ads

  • ​Video caption:

    • ​Character limit: 150 characters for all languages. 4-60 English characters are recommended for optimal user experience. If the featured video will also be used as reservation ads, please also refer to the ad spec of the reservation ads ; hashtags, spaces, and punctuation will be counted as characters.

    • ​If client wants to use emojis in the caption, please use emoji v.11. Emojis might look different across different devices and operating systems, and some v11 emojis may not be supported on some Android devices.

    • ​The corresponding hashtag challenge name should be included in the video caption.

    • ​The recommended ad caption character limitation only applies to major mobile phone brands. E. Please avoid line breaks in video captions

  • ​Please place key elements like ad copy and CTA in the center of the video. Otherwise it may be covered by the in-app icons

  • ​Featured influencers must be over 16 years old

  • ​TikTok is not responsible for uploading Hashtag Challenge video assets. Clients need to upload featured videos to their TikTok account, or to the influencers' accounts 12 hours to 7 days before launch date

  • ​When the campaign ends, manually being able to pin a video will no longer be available

  • ​Please include #Ad etc. in the featured video caption (to localize the language, please find the corresponding hashtag information by country using the following link,

  • ​Featured videos can not be set for each region, and videos will be displayed the same across all regions.

  • ​The music associated with the featured videos should be the music that has been uploaded to the TikTok music library

Official music

  • ​Cover photo: 800x800; Please put the key brand elements in the center circle area with the diameter of 260px.

  • ​Photo file size: 10MB or less

  • ​Music format: MP3, wav

  • ​Length: 15s-1min. 15s is the recommended length. If it is longer than 15s, situations may occur where users with older app versions will not be able to play the entire music track when using the song to record a video of their own.

  • ​The character limit: no more than 60 English characters for the song name and no character limit for the singer name. The recommended character length of the name of the song and singer for better user experience: no more than 12 English characters. Avoid emoji and special symbol.

  • ​Client should provide the music copyright document (proof of use of the music).

  • ​Client should sign the authorization letter provided by TikTok (which proves that client allows TikTok to upload the music and TikTok users to use the music).

Contest Rules

1. The text of this placement can be customized by advertisers. The recommended text is: Top XX people will win the XX. The text should be kept within one line, text that extends beyond one line will not be displayed. The recommended character length: no more than 30 English characters.

2. The texts may include emoji v11. Please note: Emoji may look different across different devices and operating systems, and some v11 emojis may not be supported on some Android devices.

Contest Details Page

TikTok Standard Hashtag Challenge-Contest Details Page-JPG

1. The recommended Heading of the page is Contest Details. There are four sections on the contest details page: Contest Description, How to Participate, Judging Criteria, and Prizes.

2. Section name: The default section name listed above is recommended, and it can also be customized.The customized text should be kept within one line, text that extends beyond one line will not be displayed. The recommended character limit: no more than 30 English characters. No emoji or special symbol please.

3. Section body: no character limit. Section body may include emoji v11. URL is supported to be embedded in the section body, and URL requirements are same to those of the External link URL.

Account Button

You must provide your account ID or brand name, and either the account button or the brand name will be displayed under the hashtag name.

  • ​Account button: Please provide the TikTok account ID. Note that the status of the account needs to be public and not blocked.

  • ​Brand name: For GB and IE, up to 19 English characters; for other markets, up to 13 English characters. Brand name doesn't support emoji, space, and【, <, >, ""】

Hashtag Emoji

1. Please check with your TikTok contact on availability. The emoji needs to be provided by clients.

2. png format only. No text in the emoji.

3. 30*30px with transparent background, maximum 50kb.

4. The emoji should be relevant to the hashtag challenge or the brand.


  • ​All assets need to pass the approval process by the TikTok Ad Review team. No guaranteed impressions, do not support third party tracking.