Create an ad

List of Video Ad Specifications
Last updated: July 2024

TikTok Ads Manager supports both image and video ad formats.

The following specifications are available for Global App Bundle and Pangle video ads.

Global App Bundle

Pangle video ads


CapCut: App open ads, In-feed, Album, Draw Fizzo: App open ads, Native ads

Interstitial Ads, Rewarded Video Ads, Native Ads, Banner Ads, App Open Ads.

Ad Composition

Video creative, brand or app name (logo), skip ad button and [Landing page URL] +CTA button (if [half-screen])

Video creative (or thumbnail image), band or app name (logo), ad description, and CTA button.

Aspect Ratio


9:16, 1:1, or 16:9

Video Resolution


No restrictions. (Suggested minimum resolution of 720*1280px, 640*640px, or 1280*720px)

File Type

.mp4, .mov, .mpeg, .avi

.mp4, .mov, .mpeg, or .avi

Video Duration

30 seconds

Between 5-60s


Greater than or equal to 516 kbps

Greater than or equal to 516 kbps.

File Size

Within 500MB

Within 500MB

Profile Image

​Aspect Ratio: 1:1 File type: .jpg, .jpeg, .png File size: Less than 50 KB

​Aspect Ratio: 1:1 File Type: .jpg, .jpeg, .png File size: <50 KB

App or Brand Name

App names: 4-40 Latin alphabet letters and 2-20 Asian characters. Brand names: 2-20 Latin alphabet letters and 1-10 Asian characters. Note: Emojis cannot be used.

App names: 4-40 Latin alphabet letters and 2-20 Asian characters. Brand names: 2-20 Latin alphabet letters and 1-10 Asian characters. Note: Emojis cannot be used.

Ad Description

1-100 Latin alphabet letters and 1-50 Asian characters. Note: Emojis and special characters can't be used.