Advertising policy resources
Automotive ads
Parameters are properties that can be paired with any event to impact campaign performance. While not all are required, all are highly recommended to improve performance.
The three most important parameters to implement are:
Note: Your parameter values must match the corresponding values used in your catalog for full effect. In the case of content_id, the value must match your "Vehicle ID" field in the catalog.
For more information about implementing parameters, review our developer documentation.
The following parameters are available for Automotive Ads:
Required | Field and Type | Description |
Yes | content_ids Type: string | Product IDs associated with the event, such as SKUs. Example: ['ABC123', 'XYZ789']. |
No | content_type Type: string | We recommend using the value "vehicle" for this parameter. |
No | postal_code Type: string | Postal code for the vehicle location. Example: 94112 |
No | country Type: string | Country name for the vehicle location. Example: New Zealand |
No | make Type: string | Vehicle make/brand/manufacturer. Example: Ford, Toyota, Honda |
No | model Type: string | Vehicle model. Example: F-150, Camry, Accord |
No | year Type: integer | Year the vehicle was launched in yyyy format. Example: 2013 |
No | state_of_vehicle Type: enum | Essential to know whether the vehicle is new or used. Supported values: New, Used, CPO |
No | mileage.value Type: integer | Vehicle mileage (in km or miles); zero (0) for new vehicles. Example: 5000 |
No | mileage.unit Type: string | Mileage units in miles (MI) or kilometers (KM) |
No | exterior_color Type: string | Vehicle exterior color. Example: black, blue, white, and so on |
No | transmission Type: enum | Vehicle transmission type. Supported values: Automatic, Manual, Other |
No | body_style Type: enum | Vehicle body style. Supported values: Convertible, Coupe, Hatchback, Minivan, Truck, SUV, Sedan, Van, Wagon, Crossover, Other |
No | fuel_type Type: enum | Vehicle fuel type. Supported values: Diesel, Electric, Flex, Gasoline, Hybrid, Other |
No | drivetrain Type: enum | Vehicle drivetrain. Supported values: AWD, FOUR_WD, FWD, RWD, TWO_WD, Other |
No | preferred_price_range Type: [float (min), float (max)] | Vehicle price range. Example: [8000, 12000] |
No | trim Type: string | Vehicle trim. Example: 5DR HB SE |
No | vin Type: string | Vehicle identification number. Maximum characters: 17 Example: KL9CD9S99EC111111 |
No | interior_color Type: string | Vehicle interior color. Example: Black, White, Blue, and so on |
No | condition_of_vehicle Type: enum | Vehicle physical condition. Supported values: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Other. |
No | viewcontent_type Type: string | Optional for ViewContent. Use viewcontent_type to differentiate between soft lead landing pages. Example: Model Page, Offers Page |
No | search_type Type: string | Optional for Search. Use search_type to differentiate other user searches (such as dealer lookup) from inventory search. Example: Dealer Locator |
No | registration_type Type: string | Optional for CompleteRegistration. Use registration_type to differentiate between different types of customer registrations on your website. Example: Brochure request |
No | page_type | Example values: vehicle inventory, model, offers, configurator start, login |
No | lead_type | Example values: brochure, test drive, quote, inventory |
No | softlead_type | Example values: brochure, test drive, quote, inventory |
// This sample assumes the TikTok Pixel base code is already loaded ttq.track('Search',{
content_type: 'vehicle', // RECOMMENDED: If sent, it must be set to 'vehicle'
content_ids: ['123'],
postal_code: '94025', // RECOMMENDED
country: 'United States', // RECOMMENDED: don't use abbreviations
make: 'Lexus', // RECOMMENDED
model: 'ES', // RECOMMENDED
year: '2017', // RECOMMENDED
state_of_vehicle: 'CPO', // RECOMMENDED
exterior_color: 'black', // RECOMMENDED
transmission: 'automatic', // RECOMMENDED
body_style: 'sedan', // RECOMMENDED
fuel_type: 'gasoline', // RECOMMENDED
drivetrain: 'awd', // RECOMMDENDED
price: 1234.99, // RECOMMENDED, up to 2 decimals optional
currency: 'USD', // REQUIRED if price and preferred_price_range is used, currency has to be the same for both price and preferred_price_range
preferred_price_range: '[10000,20000]' // Optional up to two decimals, min,max });