How to set up Showtimes

Last updated: February 2025

Use Showtimes whenever tickets are available through the pre-sale, opening, and chase weeks.

Before you set up Showtimes:

  • Get on the Showtimes allowlist.

  • Have the following assets ready:

    • Required: A trailer video that is either in MP4 or MOV format and under a 100MB file size, and the IMDB ID of your movie.

    • Optional: Fandango UTM parameters.

  • Remember to rename any copies to indicate the version history to ensure that you are using the latest version.

To set up Showtimes, you must create you Showtimes Page in Assets and set up your Ad Campaign to attach the Showtimes page at the Ad-level:

  1. In TikTok Ads Manager, click the Assets tab.

  2. Select Instant Pages to open the Instant experience page.

  3. Click the Create button to build your TikTok Instant Page.

  4. Select the Showtimes template and click Confirm.

    • On the right-hand side, the Mobile View panel displays a sample of the Showtimes template, which includes the movie trailer, movie title, release date, PG rating, location search features, theaters, and showtimes. Users can watch the trailer on autoplay, change their search location, aspect a showtime, and choose a check-out partner.

  5. You will be redirected to the Showtimes page to customize the template. Click the pencil icon to edit the title of your Showtimes page.

  6. Input your IMDB ID and click Apply. The ID will populate necessary information on the Showtimes page such as movie details including Title, release date, rating, and showtimes.

  7. Click the Header dropdown at the top of your Showtimes page to change it to text or a logo. For Text, we recommend using the movie title or your studio name. For Logo, we recommend using a horizontal for visibility. The image must be <5mb.

  8. Click the Video dropdown and add your trailer.

  9. Click the Update pencil icon to add the trailer.

    • Note: Supported file types are MOV or MP4 and size is up to 100MB. We recommend less than 2 minutes for optimal load.

  10. Click the Movie details dropdown and ensure the pre-populated details are correct.

  11. Under Ticketing, select your movie ticketing partner options. Choose either All ticketing partners or Fandango only.

    • If you choose all ticketing partners and click complete, you’ll receive a notification that you’ve created your Instant Page and can begin creating ads.

    • If you choose Fandango only, it will drive users directly to Fandango when a showtime is selected. You have the option to enter your Fandango UTM parameter.

  12. For Fandango only, enter the UTM parameter ONLY.

  13. Preview the UTM Macro by copying and pasting the link into your web browser.

  14. Check the new URL to ensure that the UTM parameters are still attached and in the same format as your desired UTM macro.

  15. Check your Fandango data and make sure the events are firing and being captured correctly.

    • Note: Fandango UTMs should be set up directly with Fandango. Fandango may not support custom UTMs with special characters.

  16. Click Confirm or View Assets.

You will see your newly created Showtimes page listed under the Instant experience page.

Now you can set up your ad campaign, ad group, and ad. Learn more about how to set up an ad.