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How to set up auto top-up for GMV Pay

Lần cập nhật gần nhất: February 2025

When you set up GMV Pay to pay for ads, you can choose to automatically add to your ad account balance with funds from your TikTok Shop.

How to set up auto top-up for GMV Pay

To set up auto top-up for GMV Pay:

  1. Log in to Seller Center.

  2. Click Marketing in the left-hand column.

  3. Click Shop Ads.

  4. You'll see your available balance at the top of the page. Click Payment details.

  5. Click Payment methods.

  6. Find GMV Pay and click ... in the top-right.

  7. Click Edit.

  8. Enter the amounts for your auto recharge rule. For example, When balance is less than $50.00, Automatically add $300.00. This means if your ad account balance drops below $50 USD, GMV Pay will automatically add $300 more to your balance. If your TikTok Shop has less than $300 in available funds, then GMV Pay will only add up to the available amount.

  9. When you're finished, click Submit.

You'll automatically add funds to your ad account balance with GMV Pay. You can also manually add funds to your ad account balance in Seller Center. We recommend setting up multiple payment methods. If your first payment method fails, your next payment method will be used until your payment is successful.

To view your invoices for GMV Pay, go to the Finances tab in Seller Center, or go to the Transactions tab in TikTok Ads Manager.