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Troubleshoot GMV Pay

Última atualização: February 2025

If you or someone on your account can't choose GMV Pay as their payment method, you might need to update permissions. You'll need Finance Specialist permissions in Seller Center and Finance Manager permissions in Business Center in order to use GMV Pay as a payment method.

Grant Finance Specialist permission in Seller Center

To grant someone Finance Specialist permission in Seller Center:

  1. Go to Seller Center. Log in as the owner or admin of the shop.

  2. Find the user you want to grant Finance Specialist permission to. The user does not need to be an admin of the Seller Center.

  3. Click the Role dropdown and choose Finance Specialist.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Go to Ads Manager. Log in as the user you granted Finance Specialist permission to.

Grant Finance Manager permission in Business Center

To grant Finance Manager permission in Business Center:

  1. Go to the Business Center. Log in as an admin of the Business Center.

  2. Find Users in the left-hand menu and click Members.

  3. Click the member of your Business Center you want to grant Finance Manager permission to.

  4. Choose Finance Manager and click Confirm. The member does not need to be an admin of the Business Center.

Troubleshoot insufficient settling amount

If you see the message Settling amount is insufficient, you'll need to make sure your available funds exceed the amount you want to add to your account. GMV Pay will only draw from funds in the Settling stage, which means the funds are available for use. Your TikTok Shop orders will go through the following stages:

  • To-settle: The funds from your Shop are still being processed and aren't available for GMV Pay.

  • Settling: The funds from your Shop are available to add to your ad account with GMV Pay.

  • Settled: The funds from your Shop are available for withdrawal, but not available for GMV Pay. You can withdraw these funds and use other supported payment methods to add these funds to your ad account balance.

If you don't have enough funds in the Settling stage, reduce your manual top-up amount, set automatic top-up, use automatic payment or choose another payment method.

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How to use GMV to Pay for Ads
About GMV Pay
How to set up auto top-up for GMV Pay