
TikTok Billing Options

Last updated: July 2024

There are three billing options currently available to advertisers on TikTok Ads Manager. We discuss each one in detail below.

Manual Payment

  • ​You will make a 100% advance deposit into the bank account designated by us before you can run your ads. You will receive a prepay invoice for the payment you made to the designated bank account.

  • ​Payment may be made via bank transfer, credit card, or other payment methods accepted by us from time to time.

  • Ad delivery requires maintaining a sufficient balance to fund your specific ad campaign before and throughout the ad campaign period. We will not deliver any ad in excess of your balance and reserve the right to cease any ongoing ad campaign or reject any new ad campaign if your balance is insufficient. Whereas Automatic Payment and Monthly Invoicing customers cannot use cash balances to fund ad delivery, Manual Payment customers may use cash balances to fund ad delivery.

  • ​Any remaining balance to the advance payment made by you after each campaign will be carried forward and available for deduction for the amount of fees due and payable for the next campaign.

Automatic Payment

  • ​The payment methods you have on file in your Commercial Account will be automatically charged when your ad Buying Transactions reach the TikTok designated billing date or billing threshold amount, whichever comes first.

  • ​Payments may be made via credit card, debit card, or any other payment method accepted by TikTok from time to time.

  • ​We will notify you of the applicable billing date and of the billing threshold amount on the applicable Transaction page. This may result in multiple charges to your payment methods.

  • ​If a payment attempt using your payment method fails more than twice, we have the right to cease any ongoing ad campaign or reject any new ad campaign until we receive payment.

  • Whereas Manual Payment customers may use cash balances to fund ad delivery, Automatic Payment and Monthly Invoicing customers cannot use cash balances to fund ad delivery.

Monthly Invoicing

  • ​Monthly Invoicing is a billing option that's available to eligible businesses. If your business is eligible for monthly invoicing, you will receive an invoice for the ad buying transactions on a monthly basis or after the order ends, due 30 days from the invoice date unless otherwise agreed between us.

  • ​We may extend a line of credit to you or post funds in your Commercial Account, each subject to a billing threshold amount determined by us in our sole discretion.

  • ​Payments may be made via bank transfer, credit card, or any other payment method accepted by us from time to time to the bank account listed on the invoice.

  • ​You remain liable and will be responsible to pay us for all advertising spend made by the receiving business regardless of the bill-to party you designated in your Commercial Account.

  • ​All payments shall be made in the currency as defined in your contract or each applicable IO or as agreed in writing between us.

  • ​Notwithstanding any term to the contrary, we shall not be obliged to invoice you within a specified timeframe of and a failure to invoice shall not excuse or waive our right to collect, and your obligation to pay.

  • ​Any dispute with respect to a billed or invoiced amount must be notified to us within 7 days after you receive the relevant billing or invoicing.

  • Whereas Manual Payment customers may use cash balances to fund ad delivery, Automatic Payment and Monthly Invoicing customers cannot use cash balances to fund ad delivery.

Note: After you have set your billing option to Automatic Payment, you will be unable to change it back to Manual Payment. The following changes are allowed:

  • Changing from Manual Payment to Automatic Payment

  • Changing from Manual Payment to Monthly Invoicing

  • Changing from Automatic Payment to Monthly Invoicing