TikTok Shop is available in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Vietnam. If you don't have a TikTok Shop yet, create one here.
Once you have a TikTok Shop, you can set up Shop Ads in Seller Center. First, go to your Seller Center and go to the Ads section on the left.
In the Ads section, if you can already see the Create Campaign button or the Create Ads button, this means you can immediately proceed to create ads. Otherwise, please complete the necessary steps given on the page which may include the following:
Connecting Business Center account
Connecting Ads Manager account
Connecting TikTok account
After clicking the Create Campaign button, you might be redirected to TikTok Ads Manager. Always select Product Sales as your campaign objective with TikTok Shop as the product source, then create and publish your ads.
See Getting Started with Video Shopping Ads, Getting Started with LIVE Shopping Ads and Advertise using product images from TikTok Shop for more information.
If you are unable to access the Ads section or face issues, please refer to the Troubleshooting steps given below.
For the United States, please click the Marketing section on the left and then click the Ads section on the left.
Please ensure that you have logged into Seller Center using a user email address that has Shop Owner or Admin or Advertising Manager permission. If you do not have this Seller Center permission, please request your Shop Owner or Admin to grant you this Seller Center permission.
After being granted this Seller Center permission, if you still cannot see the Ads tab on the left, please clear your browser cache & cookies, restart your browser, log into Seller Center again, and go to the Ads tab again.
Please request your Business Center admin to grant Business Center admin permission to the user email address that you are using to log into Seller Center. After that, you should no longer see this error message.
If you are still seeing this error message, please clear your browser cache & cookies, restart your browser, log into Seller Center again, and go to the Ads tab again.
If your Business Center admin (e.g. belonging to an ex-partner) no longer has a working relationship with you (i.e. no longer continues to run ads for your shop), you may request your ex-partner to unlink your shop from their Business Center. After that, you should no longer see this error message. Please complete the necessary steps given on the page and then click the Create Campaign button.
This means that your shop has not completed the process to start selling products. Your shop should first complete the necessary process in the Seller Center and have a product available for purchase.
After that, you should no longer see this error message. Please complete the necessary steps given on the page and then click the Create Campaign button.
You should ensure that the email address you are using to log into Seller Center currently has admin access to your existing Business Center.
Alternatively, you can create a new Business Center account by following the necessary steps given on the page and then clicking the Create Campaign button.
You should ensure that your existing Ads Manager account is currently connected to the Business Center.
Alternatively, you can create a new Ads Manager account by following the necessary steps given on the page and then clicking the Create Campaign button.
In the Ads tab, you should go to Account Management, select Manage Members, then invite new members or assign existing members to have permissions to the ad account, shop, and TikTok account.
In the Ads tab, you should go to Account Management, select Add Account, and then complete the necessary steps given on the page.
In the Ads tab, you should go to Account Management, select Add Account, and then complete the necessary steps given on the page.
In the Ads tab, you should go to Account Management, select Connect Account, and then complete the necessary steps given on the page.
In the Ads tab, you should go to Account Management, select Partner Management, select Add Partner, and then complete the necessary steps given on the page.
In the Ads tab, you should go to Account Management, select Partner Management, select Add Partner, and then complete the necessary steps given on the page.