Account Balance with Tax Deduction
Last updated, May 2023

According to the tax policy of your region, TikTok Ads Manager is authorized to make a corresponding tax deduction from your account balance based on your daily advertising costs.

Please be advised that it can take up to 24 hours for results to be processed and due to floating tax rates, the account balance shown is an estimated value.

Depending on your region and the payment method available on your account, taxes may be deducted differently. On TikTok Ads Manager, taxes can be deducted using either the top up deduction method or the consumption deduction method.

Top-Up deduction method

This means that taxes will be charged at the same time you add money to your account, depending on the region that your business is located in.

Here is a breakdown of how tax deduction is calculated:

  • ​Top Up Amount = $100 USD

  • ​Tax Rate (20%) = $20 USD

  • ​Final Payment Amount = Top Up Amount + Taxes = $120 USD

  • ​Available Balance in Account = $100 USD

Note: The currency (USD) and tax rate shown here are used for illustrative purposes only. The actual tax rate and currency displayed will depend on the region your business is located in and the currency you selected during account setup.

Consumption deduction method

This means that taxes will be deducted daily based on your daily ad spend.

Here is a breakdown of how tax deduction is calculated:

  • ​Top Up Amount: $120 USD

  • ​Available Balance in the Account = $120 USD

  • ​Usable Balance: $100 USD

  • ​Tax Rate (20%): $20 USD

Note: The currency (USD) and tax rate shown here are used for illustrative purposes only. The actual tax rate and currency displayed will depend on the region your business is located in and the currency you selected during account setup.
