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Canada: About Goods and Service Tax (GST), Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), and Quebec Sales Tax (QST)

Last updated: March 2025

Taxes may be applicable to your purchase of TikTok Ads depending on the market or region of your "billing address", unless otherwise agreed.

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a tax paid on most foods and services sold or provided in Canada. In New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, the GST has been blended with the provincial sales tax and is called the Harmonized Sales Tax.

The Quebec Sales Tax (QST) is a tax you may be required to pay for goods and services purchased in Quebec if your billing address is set within the province of Quebec. Learn more about Input Tax Credits (ITCS) and Input Tax Refunds (ITRS) from Revenue Quebec for information about the input tax credits/input tax refunds on the QST charged by a supplier registered under the general system.

TikTok is responsible for determining, collecting, and remitting the Goods and Services Tax (GST), the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) and the Quebec Sales Tax (QST) on the supply of Ad Services in Canada. Advertisers will be charged the appropriate tax for the province or territory in which their business is located, determined by the billing address provided by the advertiser. Taxes and rates in each province or territory for TikTok Ads Canada:

  • 5% GST: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Quebec*

  • 13% HST: Ontario

  • 14% HST: Nova Scotia (Effective April 1, 2025)

  • 15% HST: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island

*Quebec is also subject to a provincial rate of 9.975% QST.

Note: TikTok is unable to advise you on tax matters. Please contact your tax advisor or your local tax authorities for any tax questions that you may have in relation to your Ad purchase.