Advertising policy resources
App promotion objective
App Event Optimization
iOS 14.5+ Guidance
App Profile Page
App retargeting
Due to limitations provided by Apple's identification structure, dedicated iOS 14 or later campaigns limit to 15 campaigns, 5 ad groups per campaign for each iOS SKAN 3.0 and 4.0 app. Deferred Deeplink is now available for the dedicated iOS 14 or later campaigns.
App Event Optimization (AEO) is available for iOS 14 or later dedicated campaigns with support for 15 standard events to use with Install with In-App Event.
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When you optimize for in-app events, we support the Maximum Delivery and Cost cap bid strategy. For install with in-app events, we only offer cost cap on cost per install. AEO is automatically unlocked for advertisers with a threshold of at least 1 corresponding SKAN event at the TikTok App ID level.
Due to limitations of SKAdNetwork API, campaign performance fluctuations are expected. iOS 14 or later dedicated campaigns receive SKAN 3.0 postbacks with a delay of up to 72 hours, while SKAN 4.0 to an even longer 4-day delay. We recommend that you revisit your conversion value schema design and measurement window to ensure it is set up correctly.
Make sure your campaign is getting more than 90 installs per day to meet the privacy threshold so that you are able to get post back for in-app events for all installs. Use the SKAN privacy withheld metric for your AEO campaigns to monitor the percentage of installs posted with null conversion values. With SKAN 4.0s latest updates, you should have less withheld installs if you have properly configured your Coarse Grained Conversion Scheme.
For all app campaigns, you must enable the iOS dedicated campaign toggle for the ad group level in order to reach iOS 14.0 or later users.
App Profile Page is a native instant page that gathers promoted apps information like App name, icon, ranking, promotion images and description from third-party app analytics platforms automatically. It allows clients to edit informational components to add more context to display their app information on this page.
Recommendation: If you are currently running install optimization campaigns for iOS you can use the App Profile Page to improve your delivery performance. You'll find the option to turn on the App Profile Page feature under the iOS 14 or later Dedicated Campaign toggle in the set-up flow when you create a new campaign.