
Solutions for Troubleshooting Auction Ad Delivery
Last updated: July 2024

When you run auction ads, there are many factors that can impact performance and delivery of your ads.

If your auction ads are underperforming during the Learning Phase:

  • Our system excels at finding the audience most likely to convert, so give your ads a full 7 days to reach 50 conversions.

  • Try increasing your bid or try switching to the lowest cost bid strategy.

  • If you have recently made a significant change to your campaign, wait until the learning phase to make future edits.

If your ads are not competitive in the marketplace:

  • Target a different audience.

  • Raise your bid amount if you are using bid, or cost cap.

  • Use the lowest cost bid strategy, or use cost or bid cap with suggested bid.

  • Update your creative to test combinations of creative and ad text.

If you have multiple ad groups targeting the same audience:

  • Consolidate active ad groups with similar targeting settings into one ad group.

If you are having trouble connecting with your audience:

  • Create an Engagement Audience from a successful ad group and use it as a seed audience to create a Lookalike Audience.

  • Adjust your bid or budget to be more competitive and try testing multiple ad creatives when targeting narrow audiences.