Max delivery is an optimization mode that uses additional budget to boost sales and ad delivery for products in your campaign over a selected period of time.
You'll need to have an active Product GMV Max campaign
You can only turn on Max delivery for individual products in your Product GMV Max campaign
If your Max delivery schedule ends before the end of your campaign, the optimization mode for your product will revert to Target ROI automatically.
Max delivery will use an independent budget that sellers set specifically for this optimization mode. During Max delivery schedule, the system will only spend Max delivery budget and your Target ROI budget will not be consumed.
The system aims to pace the daily budget spending throughout the day. However, if there are less than 24 hours in a day for the system to consume (from start time to end time), the daily budget will be spent proportionally based on a rough estimation of 'daily budget*(hours remaining of that day)/24'.
You can turn on Max delivery optimization for products in an active Product GMV Max campaign in Seller Center or TikTok Ads Manager.
Max delivery will begin at the start time you chose for your selected product. If your Max delivery schedule ends (reaches the end time you set), the optimization mode for your product will automatically revert to Target ROI. You can turn on Max delivery for your products again as long as your Product GMV Max campaign is active.
You can view reporting for Max delivery along with overall reporting for your GMV Max campaigns in Seller Center or in the GMV Max tab in TikTok Ads Manager. To view metrics for both Target ROI and Max delivery, make sure to choose a reporting date range that includes your Max delivery schedule. You can view Target ROI and Max delivery mode metrics and daily trends for your Product GMV Max campaign and for specific products.
Campaign reporting:
View overall data including Max delivery and Target ROI
Use the Optimization mode filter to see metrics for Max delivery and Target ROI
Product reporting:
View overall data for specific products including Target ROI and Max delivery
Use the Optimization mode filter to see metrics for Max delivery and Target ROI