Performance and web

Interactive Add-on: Pop-out Showcase
Last updated: May 2024

Pop-out Showcase is an Interactive Add-on product that delivers key messaging in a memorable fashion and surprises the audience with an unexpected pop-up moment for deeper engagement. A Pop-out Showcase can illustrate a specific product that the brand wants to promote. Pop-out elements are clickable and can drive to a landing page.

Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 12.10.10 PM


The Pop-out Showcase Interactive Add-on supports the following campaign, ad group, and ad settings:

  • Ad Buying Type:

    • Reach (Reach & Frequency and Auction)

    • 6-Second Focused View

    • Traffic (allowlist)

    • App Promotions (allowlist)

  • Placement: TikTok

  • Ad Format: In-feed Spark Ads and non-Spark Ads

  • Regions: All

How to create Pop-out Showcase

To get started

  1. ​Create a new campaign.

  2. ​Select objective among Reach (Reach and Frequency and Auction), 6-second Focused View, Traffic, or App Promotions (if the account has been allowlisted for access).

  3. ​Set up ad group.

  4. ​Then click Next.

  5. ​From the Submit Order and Reserve Audience pop-up, click Continue to Ad.

  6. ​Enable the Identity toggle to create a Spark ad or turn it off to create a non-Spark ad.

  7. ​Select Single Video as the Ad Format.

  8. ​Complete ad creative: video, ad text, link, and call to action.

  9. ​Under Interactive Add-ons, click Create.

  10. ​From the Interactive Add-on pop-up, choose Premium add-on, select Pop-out Showcase, and click Confirm.

Create a Pop-Out Showcase

Next, you will need to design your pop-out element.

  1. Under Upload Pop-out image, click Update to upload the pop-out element.

  2. Under interactive guide, write the text that you want to appear under the pop-out element to guide the audience.

  3. Determine when the Pop-out Showcase should appear by either using the video timeline under the preview tool or the video's timeline field.

  4. Set the position where the pop-up will appear in the video by either dragging the pop-up in the safe zone of the preview tool or by entering an exact position in the Pop-out placement field.

  5. Set the initial angle of how the pop-out will appear in the video by dragging the anchor point of the pop-out in the safe zone in the preview tool or by entering an exact angle in the pop-up angle field.

  6. Click Confirm when the Pop-out Showcase setup is done.

  7. From the Ad creation page, click Submit when the ad is ready to be published.

For more information about the Pop-out Showcase ad specifications, please refer to TikTok Interactive Add-on: Pop-out Showcase.