Advertising policies

Politics, Religion, and Culture
Last updated: July 2024


At TikTok, while users can share political content organically as long as it's in line with our Community Guidelines, we do not allow political content to feature in advertising. We also do not allow content that disrespects religious elements, cultures, or figures, or any hateful behavior, hate speech, or the promotion of hateful ideologies.

Political content


We do not allow featuring political content in any form of advertising, extending this prohibition to both members of political organizations and non-political advertisers expressing political views.

The following are examples of what is not allowed:

  • Candidates, nominees, and elected or appointed government officials for public office at the federal, national, state, provincial, and local levels, such as cabinet ministers and ambassadors

  • Official spokesperson, member of senior staff, or executive leader for a national or state level candidate, political party, or elected or appointed official, such as chief of staff, campaign director, digital director, party chairman, or finance director

  • Spouses of candidates, elected, or appointed government officials with official duties or offices

  • Royal family members with official government capacities

  • Former heads of state or heads of government

  • Political parties

  • Political Action Committees (PACs) or any country-specific equivalents

  • Political youth associations

  • References to an election, including voter registration, voter turnout, and appeals for votes, such as ads that encourage people to vote

  • Past, current, or proposed referenda, ballot measures, legislative, judicial, or regulatory outcomes or processes

  • The promotion or criticizing of government policies or track records

  • Merchandise that features prohibited individuals, entities, or content, such as campaign slogans, symbols, or logos

  • The display of real war scenes

  • Language or imagery that explicitly promotes, glorifies, or advocates for war, violence, or armed conflict

  • Ads that profit from ongoing wars

In some cases, the following may be allowed:

  • We recognize that there will be occasions when official government organizations may have reason to advertise on TikTok, for example, to promote public health initiatives like COVID-19 booster programs. We allow government organizations to advertise in limited circumstances, and they are required to work with a TikTok Sales Representative.

  • Advocating for stopping wars and armed conflict, and raising awareness of war victims, may be allowed as long as the ad content does not violate our ad policies.



Our community is enriched by the various backgrounds of our community members. Our differences should be respected, rather than a cause for division. We do not allow any hateful behavior, hate speech, or promotion of hateful ideologies.

The following are examples of what is not allowed:

  • Ad content that discriminates, harasses, or encourages discrimination or hate speech against protected groups.

  • Ad content that targets individuals or organizations based on protected characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national origin, tribe, sex or sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, religion, caste, age, family status, immigration status, disability, or medical or genetic conditions.

  • Ad content that discriminates or harasses individuals or groups based on protected personal characteristics.

Religion and culture


At TikTok, we do not allow content that disrespects religious elements, cultures, or figures. This ensures a safe and respectful environment for all users.