Payment failures are frequently caused by entering incorrect information, a poor network connection, or issues with bank authorization. Your payment can fail when your bank or payment provider experiences an issue when adding a payment source or processing your payment.
To avoid payment failure, verify your payment information.
Check the payment information you entered on TikTok Ads Manager or TikTok Business Center.
Confirm your credit or debit card is valid and has not expired.
Verify your account has sufficient funds or available credit to cover the payment.
Note: Ad delivery requires specific types of balances depending on the billing option you choose. Learn more about these requirements in our overview of billing options.
Also, check your internet connection and/ or clear cache.
Clear your cookies and/or browser cache, and try again. If this still does not work, try using your browser's incognito mode to complete the payment.
Disable any VPN or pop-up blocker you are using - as these may prevent the 3D Secure Verification page from loading.
Complete the payment using a different browser.
Clear the TikTok Ads Manager cache. Log in to your Ads Manager account and add &reset_cache=1 to the end of the URL.