About advertising to people under the age of 18
Last updated, February 2024

We take our responsibility to protect our community seriously. It is the most important work we do, and we will continue to innovate to help keep our community safe, including our younger users under the age of 18. The below restrictions are in addition to the ads creative policy for restricted content.

Age restrictions for ads on TikTok

The following age restrictions are in place for any campaigns delivering to the United States:

  • Lead Generation objective campaigns can be used to target only ages 18 and older

  • Product Sales - Shop objective campaigns can be used to target only ages 18 and older

  • Any campaign under the Web Conversions, App Promotion, Lead Generation, and Product Sales objectives using automatic targeting can be used to target only ages 18 and older

  • The following targeting options are unavailable for audiences under the age of 18:

    • Additional Interest Targeting

    • Hashtag Targeting

    • Household Income (HHI) Targeting

    • High Spending Power (HSP)

This applies as long as one of the age groups in any campaign selected includes under age 18, except for when All is selected.

Audience selector age restriction

Lead Generation objective campaigns that started before January 22, 2024 and were reaching audiences under 18 will continue delivering under the original audience targeting settings unless edited. These campaigns can be changed by editing the age targeting settings or by broadening the demographic targeting settings.

If you click Edit on an existing ad group but don't save any changes, your targeting settings will not be affected.

If you click Edit on an existing ad group and save any changes, your targeting settings will be affected by the aforementioned age restrictions.
