Advertising on TikTok

TikTok Ad After Conversion Experience Management Guidelines

Last updated: August 2024


After Conversion Experience (ACE) is the user experience that begins once a transaction for goods (either physical or virtual), services, or interactions is initiated on our platform.

At TikTok, we aim to maximize value for customers and businesses. We're dedicated to enhancing the After Conversion Experience (ACE) for our users.


This guideline applies to all advertisers registered on our platform and agree to the TikTok For Business Commercial Terms of Service and TikTok Partner Privacy Policy.

ACE evaluation

Our platform's negative feedback on advertising content, goods or services, transactions, after-sales services, and conversion behaviors during the process of purchasing goods or services after users browse and click on ads may include:

  • User complaints

  • Reports

  • Comments

  • Reviews of goods and services

We hold the right to conduct an ACE Evaluation for your performances.

General requirements

  • Actively communicate with users during the contract fulfillment process to resolve user demands and avoid causing negative user experience

  • Do not engage in any illegal, criminal and unethical activities, such as fraud, gambling, prostitution, pyramid schemes, illegal medical practice

  • Do not illegally collect and dispose users’ personal information, such as reselling customer info

  • Do not provide goods or services that violate the requirements of laws and regulations, nor may infringe on the personal and property safety of users, such as providing counterfeit and shoddy products

  • Do not attempt to impersonate or misuse other brands through the use of the same trademark, this includes using TikTok Shop overlay without prior authorization

  • Do not falsely promote or defraud users, such as products or services, prices, gifts, after-sales services that are inconsistent with advertising content, advertiser commitments, and contract agreements

  • Do not induce users to pay or purchase goods or services against their true wishes, such as malicious deductions, unauthorized increases, hidden charges

  • Ensure post-sales services are fulfilled promptly, such as delivering the product or service on time

Account enforcement

About ad quality and user experience

Ad quality is the measurement of the experience our users have when they see the ads and reach the landing page.

We will collect feedback from people who make purchases across our platform and share this feedback to help you understand how your business meets customer expectations. Refer to your ACE page of TikTok Ads Manager (TTAM) for more details.

If any feedback, including a significant amount of negative feedback, indicates that you aren't complying with our ACE policies, the account may lose its ability to advertise. Learn more in Best practices for maintaining a healthy ACE account.

Your performance on TikTok Shop may also affect your ability to post ads.

How ad quality and user experience impacts your ad accounts

Better ad quality means better performance, higher positions, and lower costs.

If your ads go against our guidelines, or could harm us or users, we might take actions that impact your ad account, depending on the context and severity of the violation.

Your ad account behavior determines:

  • Eligibility: Ads must meet our quality standards to be displayed

  • Position in search results: Higher-quality ads are placed higher, based on your ad account's performance

  • Pay-per-click cost: Higher quality ads typically cost less per click

  • Ad performance: High-quality ads often lead to more clicks and conversions

There are different stages for each ACE policy violation. Once you receive a violation, you will have a 48 hours to amend any similar content to prevent additional violations. The original violation will still be applied to your account.

ACE policy violation levels

Policy violation level

Ad status

Ad account status

Communication method

Low/medium risk

Different restrictions may apply.

No action.

Real-time summaries of your health status will available for your viewing via your ACE Page.

This feature is available only in EMEA regions, and will be available for other regions soon.

High risk

Ad will be removed.

First violation: Temporary account suspension.

Repeated violation: Permanent account suspension.

You will receive a suspension warning via email and TikTok Ads Manager.

Critical risk

Ad will be removed.

Immediate permanent account suspension.

You will receive notice of account suspension via email and TikTok Ads Manager.

Complaint types

Complaints are typically submitted by an affected individual or organization. If you receive any complaints, we will take appropriate action based on the situation.

The processing timeline starts from the date a complaint is issued. We will review the supporting evidence and plans provided by both you and the complainant. Our decisions will be fair, based on feedback and details from our users and platform.

Following the deadline doesn't release you from other legal responsibilties and agreements.

If you don't meet the deadline, we can cancel your ad plan, block new accounts, or freeze your account and deposit.

Complaint types and handling

Complaint type


Enforcement details

User Complaint

A general user complaint as it relates to ACE.

-You must remove violative content within 24 hours

-Your ad will be rejected

-The ad delivery will be restricted

-Your ad account may be suspended

-Temporarily pause or permanently revoke your access to our ad features

IP Owner Complaint

A complaint from a rights holder or authorized representative to report unauthorized use of Intellectual Property Rights in an advertisement.

-You must remove the violative content within 48 hours.

-Your ad account will be suspended and subject to our strike* punishment system.

-1st instance: You must remove the violative content, and your ad account will be suspended for three days.

-2nd instance: You must remove the violative content, and your ad account will be suspended for four weeks.

-3rd instance: You must remove the violative content, and your ad account will be permanently suspended.

-Within 72 hours of receiving the complaint, you must work with the complaining party. Provide timely feedback on the results, along with relevant evidence.

*An account with three instances (or 'strikes') of a single violation category will be permanently removed from the platform.

Strikes will be removed from your record after 90 days of good standing. Violations may also be cleared if the trademark infringement report is withdrawn or if your appeal is approved.

Appeal procedure

If you believe your account was restricted or suspended in error, submit an Appeal Request, see Appeal rejected ad with One Click Appeal for Other Ad Types for details.

Issue type

Evidence type

Evidence needed from you

Detailed guidelines


Proof of shipment

Shipping list or order tracking number

Provide your shipping list of the past 30 days, or tracking information of 10 or more orders.


Proof of product

Video evidence of stock or inventory

Provide video proof of 10 seconds or more of your stock or inventory.


Proof of consistency

Proof of delivery that is consistent with what was promised in the ad

Provide video proof of 10 seconds or more of unboxing a product.

Business model

What user ordered

Product name, volume, or price of each order

Provide order details of the past 30 days, or order details of 10 or more orders.

Business model

What seller delivered

1. Delivery details of the product name, volume, or price for each order

2. Traceable logistics

Provide delivery details of the past 30 days, or logistics tracking information of 10 or more orders.

Business model

Refund or return proof

Use case: Only when the punishment is due to refusal of refund/return requested by customer

Provide refund or return cases of the past 30 days, or of 10 or more cases.

Body harm

Proof of quality

Certification of quality issued by a relevant authority

Provide proof of certification that was valid prior to suspension.

Body harm

Proof of industry entry

Certification for Industry Entry by a relevant authority

Provide proof of certification that was valid prior to suspension.

Data security

Proof of shipment

1. Traceable logistics

2. Evidence of having a legitimate business model or permission to follow set practices

Provide refund or return cases of the past 30 days, or of 10 or more cases.

Best practices for maintaining a healthy ACE account

To keep your account healthy, follow these recommendations to manage customer expectations:

Clearly present your products

  • Ensure that your pictures, videos, and all ad content accurately represent what you're offering

  • Match dimensions, sizes, materials, and other product details with what's stated in the ad

  • If you source goods from suppliers, maintain quality control and ship on time as promised

Set transparent shipping expectations

  • Provide door-to-door shipping times, consider processing times, item availability, and shipping costs

  • Whenever possible, provide tracking information for customers to monitor their packages

Provide essential customer service

  • Clearly state return policies as advertised on your website

  • If you're in a different time zone, specify response times to customer inquiries

Comply with our general ad policies. Visit our Business Help Center to read about our TikTok Ad Policies.