TikTok Advertising Policies - Ad Creatives and Landing Page: Ad Format and Functionality

Last updated: May 2024

Ad Format and Functionality

1.0 Landing Page Requirements

A. Ad creatives must not direct users to a non-functional landing page.

Ad Creatives Must Not Direct Users To:
  • Landing pages that are expired, erroneous, or under construction.

  • Landing pages with incomplete content or information.

  • Landing pages that are not mobile-friendly.

  • Landing pages that automatically download files to a user's mobile phone.

  • Landing pages that require users to download additional programs or input personal information in order to access the main content on the landing page.

Ad Creatives Can Direct Users To:
  • Functioning website or webpage of the advertised product or service.


  • Please ensure that your landing page functions properly on the network of the targeted country or territory.

  • Different types of TikTok ads have different requirements to be met for URL links which direct users from the ad creatives. For more information, please refer to TikTok Ad Specifications.

B. Ad creatives & landing page must not display prohibited products or services.

C. E-commerce ads must display complete and accurate information on the landing page. 

The valid information required by local law includes but is not limited to:

  1. Contact details (e.g. Telephone no.; Email address; Fax no. (optional), etc.) 

  2. Company name 

  3. Company address 

  4. Business license (note: The business license cannot be forged, altered, rented, lent, or transferred.) 

  5. Price displayed in local currency 

  6. Terms & conditions, shipping information 

  7. Privacy policy, Returns policy, and Refund policy. 


  • Advertisers from certain countries/ territories may need to provide more information depending on local requirements. Please reach out to your advisors for more detailed information. 

  • If you have not provided suitable and sufficient information and your ad placement is rejected, you will receive a prompt to provide additional information in order for the ad to be approved. 

D. Lead Generation must contain a Privacy Policy link, and must not request information on the instant form which is prohibited under our data collection policy (please refer to 16.0 Data Collection).

A Privacy Policy is a statement or a legal document that states how a company or website collects, handles and processes data of its customers and visitors. It explicitly describes whether that information is kept confidential, or is shared with or sold to third parties. Please ensure a Privacy Policy that is in compliance with any applicable data protection regulations will be accurately and effectively displayed to users.

Please provide a URL that leads directly to the Privacy Policy page or a landing page displaying clauses for Privacy Policy in the "Link URL" field as shown below:

E. Ad creatives must not contain Quick Response (QR) codes.

Only applicable to Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and EMEA


  • Ad creatives with QR codes leading to third-party websites including social media pages


  • QR on product packaging or application

  • Unscannable matrix codes including item barcodes

2.0  Ad Consistency

A. The ad creative, including the ad caption, ad text, ad images, ad videos, and ad call-to-action (CTA), needs to be consistent with the promoted product or service on the landing page.

Not Allowed:

  • Ad features product A but landing page shows product B.

  • Ad features brand A but landing page shows brand B.

  • Brand logo on product in Ad creative but does not have brand logo on product in landing page.


  • Product promoted in ad creative is A and product on the landing page is A or contains A.

  • Brand promoted in ad creative is A and brand on the landing page is A or contains A.

B. The ad caption needs to be consistent with the corresponding ad image or video.

Not Allowed:

  • e.g. The ad caption says "Create a cartoon of yourself", while the corresponding ad video says "meet your future self".

  • e.g. The ad caption says "Up to 50% off", while the corresponding ad image says "Up to 30% off".

C. The "Display Name" & "App Name" needs to be consistent with the promoted product, service, or app name shown on the landing page.

Not Allowed:

  • Landing page ads: The "Display Name" says "ABC lotion" while the promoted product on the landing page is "ABC shampoo" or "XYZ lotion".

  • App download ads: The "App Name" is ABC, while the app name shown on the landing page is XYZ.


  • Landing page ads: "display name" is "VS" or "Lotion" while the display name shown on the landing page is VS Lotion.

  • App download ads: "App" name is ABC while the app name shown on the landing page is ABC-xyz.

3.0 Ad Language & Targeting

Ad "setting language" is the ad targeting language. As a rule of thumb, the language of the ad creative and landing page needs to be consistent with the setting/target language OR with a language that is acceptable for the target market. If the setting language is not specified, then the language of the ad creative and landing page must be in a language that is acceptable for the target market. Otherwise, subtitles in a language that is acceptable to the target market must be added.

Markets-specific restrictions may apply. The language of the ad creative and landing page must be in a language or have subtitles in a language that is understood by the target market.

Below contains the details of acceptable language(s) for each target market from various regions.

NA (North America):

Canada / CA

Acceptable Languages:

  • English

  • French

United States / US

Acceptable Languages:

  • English

  • Spanish (with SP targeting)

LATAM (Latin America):

Argentina / AR

Acceptable Language:

  • Spanish

Brazil / BR

Acceptable Language:

  • Portuguese

Chile / CL

Acceptable Language:

  • Spanish

Colombia / CO

Acceptable Language:

  • Spanish

Mexico / MX

Acceptable Language:

  • Spanish

Peru / PE

Acceptable Language:

  • Spanish

APAC (Asia Pacific):

A. NEA (North East Asia):
Japan / JP

Acceptable Language:

  • Japanese

Korean / KR

Acceptable Languages:

  • Korean

  • English

Taiwan / TW

Acceptable Languages:

  • Traditional Chinese

  • English

B. SEA (South East Asia):
Cambodia / KH

Acceptable Languages:

  • Khmer

  • English

Indonesia / ID

Acceptable Language:

  • Indonesian

Malaysia / MY

Acceptable Languages:

  • Bahasa Melayu

  • English

  • Traditional & Simplified Chinese is now accepted for Reservation Ads

Philippines / PH

Acceptable Languages:

  • Filipino (Tagalog)

  • English

Singapore / SG

Acceptable Languages:

  • Bahasa Melayu

  • Chinese

  • English

  • Tamil

Thailand / TH

Acceptable Languages:

  • Thai

  • English

Vietnam / VN

Acceptable Language:

  • Vietnamese

C. Oceania:
Australia / AU

Acceptable Language:

  • English

New Zealand / NZ

Acceptable Languages:

  • English

  • Māori Language

EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa):

A. EU, UK, IL (Europe, United Kingdom, Israel):
  • We expect advertisers to make the decision to use the language of the target market in ads, and to comply with applicable local laws, as well as ensure users have a good experience when accessing landing pages, including having the landing page in a language they understand.

  • If setting up a multi-market targeting ad group - this must be set up based on the language of the ad creative and LP. It must only target markets where the language of the ad creative and LP matches the language of the targeted markets.

B. CEE (Central and Eastern Europe):
Belarus / BY

Acceptable Languages:

  • Belarusian

  • Russian

Kazakstan / KZ

Acceptable Languages:

  • Kazakh

  • Russian

Russia / RU

Acceptable Language:

  • Russian

Ukraine / UA

Acceptable Language:

  • Ukrainian

C. METAP (Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey):
Bahrain / BH

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • English

Egypt / EG

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • English

Jordan / JO

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • English

Kuwait / KW

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • English

Lebanon / LB

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • English

Oman / OM

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • English

Qatar / QA

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • English

Saudi Arabia / SA

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • English

United Arab Emirates / UAE

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • English

Iraq / IQ

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • Kurdish

  • English

Morocco / MA

Acceptable Languages:

  • Arabic

  • French

  • English

Pakistan / PK

Acceptable Languages:

  • Urdu

  • English

Turkey / TR

Acceptable Languages:

  • Turkish

  • English

South Africa / ZA

Acceptable Languages:

  • English

  • Afrikaans

  • Zulu

4.0 Ad Quality & Editorial - Caption/Text, Image, Audio, Video

A. The ad caption/text must not contain spelling or grammatical mistakes, cause an undesirable user experience, or use symbols incorrectly among the letters.

Not Allowed:

  • Use uncommonly accepted spelling or grammar, such as "Rrom" instead of "From".

  • Excessive or gimmicky use of capitalization, spacing, numbers, symbols, or punctuation among the letters in the ad caption.

B. The ad image must not contain blurry, unclear, or unrecognizable visuals, or use columns/pixels to intentionally partially cover images.

Not Allowed:

  • The ad image displays incomplete text or illegible text.

  • The ad image contains blurred or masked third-party watermarks.

C. The ad image and video must be legible and of a high resolution.

D. The ad video duration must be 5 seconds minimum and 60 seconds maximum on TikTok.

E. The ad video must use the standard video size:

  • Vertical (9:16) 

  • Square (1:1) 

  • Horizontal (16:9) 

F. The ad must contain audio and it must not be of poor quality, such as having unclear or muffled sound.

G. Ad creatives must not be static

Not Allowed:

  • The ad creative should not include still/static images as the main element of the video (e.g., A static image should not be featured in more than 50% of the video size).

H. Ad creatives must not be without interaction 

Only applicable to EU, MENAT, US/CA, IL, LATAM, AUNZ

Not Allowed:

  • The ad creative should not be static if it features an interaction with a device.