Lead Generation

About TikTok lead generation solutions

Last updated: July 2024

Finding leads and acquiring new customers is more expensive and time-consuming than ever. Lead generation is the process of identifying and cultivating potential customers for your products or services. You can acquire a new lead when a prospective client submits their information to your business and requests for you to contact them at a later time to make the final sale. Potential clients can also contact your business directly.

This article explains lead generation and how you can supercharge your lead generation with our unique audiences and ad solutions.


Our lead generation solutions will help you grow your customer base. With our unique, engaged audience, flexible form options, and efficient CRM integrations, you can discover people who want to hear from you on TikTok. Potential customers can safely share their information with you.

We support two ways to collect leads on TikTok: create an in-app instant form or use your own existing website form. If you are unsure about which solution you should use, read the following information.

In-app instant form

You want to reduce friction for potential leads and qualify them later. Good for the following:

  • Decreasing user form friction

  • Building customer or email lists

  • Instant lead capture

  • Receive leads to your existing CRM setup

  • Forms with less than 10 questions

For more information on this solution, refer to Set Up a Lead Generation Campaign with an Instant Form.


Your website form

You already have a lead form on your website with qualifying logic built in.

Good for the following:

  • Boosting traffic to your site

  • Qualifying leads via your site

  • More detailed qualifying information or questions

For more information on this solution, please refer to click Set Up a Lead Generation Campaign with your own Website.


For more information about our solutions, see our reference guide, which outlines the following:

  • How you can collect leads with both the in-app Instant Form or your own website form

  • Creative tips for optimizing and scaling your Lead Generation campaign

  • Examples of how other businesses like yours have found success generating leads on TikTok