Advertising policies

How to Review Ad Language for TikTok Ads
Last updated: July 2024

To ensure a unified experience on TikTok, it is important that users understand the language of the ads in their feed. We review each ad to make sure it aligns with the acceptable languages in the country/region where the ads are targeted.

Learn more about TikTok advertising policies for a complete list of acceptable languages by country/region.

How to review ad language

To ensure your ad language complies with our language policies, confirm:

  • All countries/regions selected in an ad group's Targeting > Location share at least one acceptable language.

  • Ad's text/caption matches one acceptable language in all the countries/regions targeted by an ad group.

  • Spoken words and subtitles in your ad's video match the acceptable languages in all the coutnries/regions targeted by an ad group.

  • Language on any landing page or app store page linked to your ad matches the acceptable languages in all the countries/regions targeted by an ad group.

  • You are using multiple ad groups to target locations that have different acceptable languages.

Note: Targeting users by Language is not a substitute for using a country/region's accepted language.