Advertising on TikTok

Custom Events
Last updated: May 2024


Unlike standard events which are defined by TikTok, custom events are events that advertisers can define themselves, outside of the standard events TikTok currently offers.

With this update, there will now be two categories of events in Events Manager:

  • Standard Events are actions with predefined names created by TikTok. Standard events are supported across all TikTok Business Tools today and can be used for reporting, optimizing for conversions, and building audiences. For more information on standard events, refer to Standard Events and Parameters.

  • Custom Events are actions that TikTok advertisers can define themselves beyond the predefined Standard Events list. Custom events can be set up via Event Builder in Events Manager, reported directly via Web Events API, or set up on the MMP side for app advertisers. Custom events are only available for reporting purposes. Optimization and audience creation are not supported at this time.

Compliance Requirement

Advertisers are responsible for ensuring all custom event labels are created in accordance with TikTok's Advertising Policies, Anti Discrimination Policy, and Housing, Employment and Credit Policy. Additionally, TikTok's terms require that advertisers not share sensitive information with TikTok. Advertisers who create custom events should not create event labels that suggest sensitive data about their users. Custom event names are subject to review and may be removed.

Examples of Acceptable Custom Event Categories & Names

Note: Custom events should only be used in instances where TikTok's standard event list does not meet your needs. If there is not a standard event that fits your criteria, you may use a custom event.

Below are some examples of acceptable custom event categories:

  • Labels that reflect conventional consumer activity such as "signing up for a free trial." As there isn't a standard event that fits this use case, you may want to use a custom event label "StartFreeTrial".

  • Labels that reflect conventional merchant activity such as shipping a product. This is different from a close standard event such as "Place an Order" so you may want to use a custom event label "ProductShipped".

Best Practices

Before setting up custom events, there are a few requirements and best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Only reporting of custom events is currently supported. Custom events cannot be used for optimizing campaigns or building audiences.

  2. Utilize custom labels that comply with TikTok's terms and policies, and do not utilize labels that are suggestive of sensitive information or illicit activities of users.

  3. Make sure to use a custom event name that is not the same as one of TikTok's predefined standard events. Here are the requirements for custom event naming:



Character Limit

Custom event name should not exceed 50 characters.


Only alphabetic letters, Arabic numerals, underscores, and dashes are accepted.

Name Conflict

Avoid using the reserved event names for your custom event. Refer to the full list of reserved event names below.

Special Rule

Custom event name must start with an alphabetic letter and cannot end with a space.

Reserved event conflicts (these events will automatically be mapped to a Standard Event so it is recommended to not set them up as a custom event)

Reserved Events

Standard Event Mapping































Getting Started With Web Custom Events

Set Up Custom Events With Custom Code

The setup of custom events through custom code is similar to how you would set up standard events:

  1. Install pixel base code (Link).

  2. Configure event code (Link).

  3. Configure advanced matching settings (Link).

Code Example

Install the event_code with a custom event name. For example, ttq.track('custom_event_name'). The parameters you can include under the event are the same as those provided for standard events. Refer to Install Pixel using code to learn more.

// For single product ttq.track('YourCustomEvent', { content_id: '301', content_type: 'product', content_name: 'dress', quantity: 1, price: 8, value: 9.2, currency: 'USD', }); // For multiple products ttq.track('YourCustomEvent', { contents: [ { content_id: '301', content_type: 'product', content_name: 'dress', quantity: 1, price: 8, }, { content_id: '401', content_type: 'product', content_name: 'dress', quantity: 1, price: 1.2, }], value: 9.2, currency: 'USD', });

Set Up Custom Events With Event Builder

Setting up a custom event with Event Builder is similar to how you would set up a standard event using Event Builder:

  1. First, make sure you have the pixel base code set up.

  2. Select Event Builder as your event setup method.

  3. If your desired event is not in our standard events list, click Add New Custom Event.

  4. Create and name the custom event.

Set Up Custom Events with Events API (Web)

Setting up a custom event with Events API is similar to how you would set up a standard event with Events API.

In the event parameter, type in the custom event name instead of standard event. For detailed instructions see Report Web Events and Parameters.

Reporting of Custom Events

Events Manager Reporting

After setting up Custom Events, advertisers can find custom events in the 'Event Type' reporting column along with standard events.

  • When hovering over the events under "Event Type" column:

    • A Standard Event will show the definition provided by TikTok.

    • A Custom Event will show the copy, "this is a custom event".

Advertisers can also expect the following changes to reporting in Events Manager:

  1. New column, "Event Code" this is the event code used to set up custom events using Pixel Custom Code or Events API

    Custom event-01

  2. "Event Name" column will be removed for those that had adopted it previously

    1. When hovering over this column now, copy will say "This feature has been deprecated. Adopt custom event if a different name from the standard one is a must have"

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TikTok Ads Manager Reporting

To view reporting for Custom Events in TikTok Ads Manager:

  1. Custom Event Totals:

    1. To view totals by custom event, select Custom Event Type dimension under Assets Dimension Group. A breakdown of Custom Page Event by campaign, target, ads will be available like this:

  2. Aggregated impression & cost reporting

    1. Remove Custom Event Type dimension and you'll see cost and impression data at the aggregated custom event granularity: