Advertising on TikTok

Specifications for TikTok Interactive add-on: Gesture

Last updated: July 2024

Gesture is an Interactive add-on product that invites people to tap or swipe on an ad in order to unveil rewards or more information. Learn more about the Interactive add-on: Gesture.

Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 1.26.47 PM

Specifications for designing a Gesture

Specifications for a Gesture Interactive add-on:

  • Card image:

    • Dimension: 620*788px

    • File size: less than or equal to 3MB

    • Format: .jpg/.jpeg/.png/.gif

    • Please make sure to include the CTA button element design at the bottom of the card at 620*168px to guide users to click.

    • Avoid pure white or transparent design.

  • Gesture guidance text: 27 English characters or up to 13 Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters are supported. Additional guidelines for the characters:

    • Half-width characters occupy 1 character space.

    • Full-width characters occupy 2 character spaces.

    • Emojis and special characters like { }, @, or # cannot be used.

    • Doesn't support any links in the ad caption.

    • Avoid bar code, stock code, Facebook ID, Instagram ID, Whatsapp ID, Messenger or other social media info.

  • Gesture pop-up background music:

    • Background music is required.

    • Length: 6 seconds

    • Size: less than or equal to 100KB

    • The best practice is to remain consistent with video ad background music.

    • Supported format: .mp3

  • Gesture pop-up time:

    • For Reach and Frequency, the Gesture has to be set either 3 seconds after the ad plays or 5 seconds before the ad finishes playing. For Auction Reach, the Gesture has to be set either 6 seconds after the ad plays or 5 seconds before the ad finishes playing.

  • Gesture position: Set up the position where the gesture appears using the preview tool.

  • Slide length: Set up the length using slide gestures with the preview tool.

  • Slide angle: The slide angle needs to be within the red-marked angle shown in the preview tool.

  • Video length: must be 8 seconds or more with 15 seconds or more preferred. Learn more about ad specifications with TikTok Reservation In-feed (Including Reach & Frequency).

  • Supported Gesture: Click, straight slide, or curve slide.

  • Card URL directly leverages the ad CTA button URL, doesn't need to be input separately, and URL rules follow in-feed ads URL rules.

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