Value-Based Optimization for Web
Last updated, May 2024

Value-Based Optimization for Web Conversion ads (VBO Web) aims to help advertisers find the most relevant audiences who are likely to generate a higher return on ad spend (ROAS).

In addition to optimizing towards Complete Payment events, VBO Web helps advertisers directly optimize towards ROAS by matching their ads with users who are likely to make a purchase and/or generate a higher value per purchase event, by either buying multiple products in one go or buying products with higher price points.

Two bidding strategies are provided by VBO Web: Highest Value and Minimum ROAS.

Value-Based Optimization for Web-JPG

Availability of Value-Based Optimization (Web)

Value-Based Optimization (VBO) Web will be available when you have obtained at least 20 attributed unique complete payment events with value and currency over any consecutive 7 days on TikTok, Pangle, or Global App Bundle placements.

  • Advertising Objective

    • Supported options: Website Conversions

  • Campaign Budget Optimization

    • Supported

  • Operating System

    • Supported options: Android & iOS

  • Optimization Event

    • Supported options: Complete Payment

  • Placements

    • Supported options: TikTok, Pangle, Global App Bundle

  • Markets

    • Supported options: All markets with auction ads

  • Optimization Goal

    • Supported options: ​Value

  • Bid Strategy

    • Supported options: Highest Value, ​Minimum ROAS

Set Up Guide for Web Advertisers

Note: Please make sure you are posting back Complete Payment event with value and currency parameters either through Custom Code setup, Events API or our self-service Event Builder tool.

To promote a website using Value-Based Optimization

  1. Create a new campaign on TikTok Ads Manager.

  2. Select Website conversions as the Advertising Objective.

  3. Under Website, choose External website.

  4. Choose your TikTok Pixel, and select Complete Payment as your Optimization Event.

  5. For Placement choose Automatic Placement, or any specific placement: TikTok, Pangle, and/or Global App Bundle.

  6. Under Bidding & Optimization module, select Value as the Optimization Goal.

  7. Select a Bid Strategy from either Highest Value or Minimum Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).

    • ​Highest Value is the default bidding strategy if advertisers don't enter a Minimum Return on Ad Spend bid.

    • ​If advertisers select Minimum Return on Ad Spend, enter the Revenue on Ad Spend you want to achieve. For example, "2" as the bid.

  8. Complete the rest of the settings, upload your ads, and run your VBO web campaign.

Best Practices for Value-Based Optimization (Web)

Set a reasonable Minimum Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) bid

  • ​Refer to the actual Return on Ad Spend for the past 7 days for ads targeting the same market and optimizing towards the same optimization goal, namely Complete Payment.

  • ​Setting a relatively lower Return on Ad Spend bid is helpful for the ad group to pass the learning phase faster.

  • ​If you are not sure what Minimum Return on Ad Spend bid to set, Highest Value is recommended.

Set an adequate budget

  • ​Using 10 * target CPA for Complete Payment as a daily budget.

  • ​If you want to use a lifetime budget, use 10 * target CPA for Complete Payment * Campaign Duration.

  • ​If your target CPA for Complete Payment is too high, e.g. 100 USD, you can set the same budget as your BAU (Business As Usual) ad groups. However, too low of a budget will limit the exploration of the algorithm.

  • Increase the budget gradually when the Return on Ad Spend reaches your expectation, which will help you explore more high-value users.

Set a reasonable target audience

  • ​Do not set targeting that's either too broad or too narrow.

  • If you have Custom Audiences which work well, we recommend creating Lookalike Audiences for those Custom Audiences, we recommend turning on Targeting Expansion to help extend the delivery life cycle.

Let your VBO web campaigns run for at least 7 days

  • Results may fluctuate in the first few days. However, advertisers should have strong indicators about the performance after 7 days.

Avoid any adjustment before 20 conversions (or in the first 3 days)

  • Adjustment within the learning phase may impact campaign's ability to pass the learning phase.

  • Suggest waiting for another 20 campaign conversions (or 1 day) after each adjustment.

  • When editing campaign budget, control the change range within 50% each time.

  • The more frequent/significant the change is, the more fluctuation will be expected.


What is the difference between Value-Based Optimization (Web) and normal web conversion ads optimizing towards Complete Payment?

When you run normal web conversion ads optimizing towards Complete Payment events, TikTok ads delivery system will look for people who are more likely to convert, but value per purchase is not taken into account.

​When advertisers run VBO Web, TikTok ads delivery system will not just look for people who are more likely to convert but will also look for people who will generate higher purchase value for advertisers.

To summarize, normal conversion ads only optimize towards conversion quantity, while VBO web will optimize towards both conversion quantity and conversion quality.

What is the difference between Minimum Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and Highest Value bid strategies?

With Minimum Return on Ad Spend, there's less guarantee of spending your budget fully. This is because we might not be able to constantly meet your required minimum ROAS target. Instead, we'll aim to get you the most opportunities possible, while meeting or exceeding your minimum Return on Ad Spend value.

​Highest value tells our system to try to spend your entire budget by the end of the ad group's schedule while maximizing the Revenue on Ad Spend you get from purchases made by TikTok users.

How should I choose my bid strategy for Value-Based Optimization?

Consider the following when choosing the bid strategy that is right for you:

Highest Value

Minimum ROAS


- You want to spend your budget in full while focusing on getting higher-value purchases.

- You want to meet or exceed a specific Return on Ad Spend.

- Require more control over Revenue on Ad Spend than Budget Consumption.


- When you use Highest Value, the system aims to fully spend your budget and bid for the highest possible purchase value.

- Your Return on Ad Spend may decrease as your cost increases.

- If your Minimum Return on Ad Spend bid is set too high, ad delivery will be limited as well as your budget consumption rate.

- We aim to stay above the Minimum Return on Ad Spend you specify, but it's not guaranteed.

- If you care more about sufficient budget consumption than always meeting or exceeding a specific Return on Ad Spend target, then Highest Value may be a better option.
