
Attribution Settings at the ad group level
Last updated: May 2024

To better service the needs of our advertisers, we have enabled the option to set attribution windows at the ad group level. These settings were previously only available at the ad account level and did not offer advertisers to select different windows for different campaigns, or ad groups. As of September 9, 2023 you have access to ad group level attribution settings, which allows you to:

  • Easily access attribution settings within TikTok Ads Manager.

  • Select attribution windows at the ad group level (instead of ad account).

  • Test various attribution windows and arrive at a setting that works best for your business.

You will now see attribution settings at the ad group level under Bidding and Optimization. Once you hit the edit button to the far right of the Attribution settings option, you will see the option to change the attribution settings.

Bidding and Optimization JPG


What is changing with my TikTok attribution settings?

Attribution settings will be available at the ad group level instead of the ad account level. This means the attribution manager (which was the previous home for attribution settings) will be deprecated, and advertisers will have to select attribution windows at the ad group level when creating their ad group. There will be a default selection of attribution settings. So even if an advertiser does not actively manage their settings we will use the default for that ad group

Note: If the advertiser changed their attribution settings in Attribution Manager previously, we will use their selected windows as the default setting at the ad group level (for new campaigns too). However, if they never changed their attribution settings in the attribution manager, we will use the new defaults listed below (7dc/1dv for web and app).

Why did we decide to move these settings to ad group level?

To give advertisers

  • Easier access to attribution settings.

  • Ability to use different settings for different campaigns or ad groups.

  • Ability to split test different attribution windows and decide the best window for their campaigns.

How are conversions reported at the campaign level after this change?

Conversions are aggregated across ad groups and reported at the campaign level. There is no change to how campaign-level conversions are reported.

What happens to advertiser campaigns that are currently live?

Currently, live campaigns will continue to use the attribution setting that was selected in Attribution Manager. Meaning, that campaigns that are live will inherit the attribution selection from Attribution Manager and no action is needed from the advertiser.

Can I change my attribution settings once I publish the ad group?

Attribution settings (both window and event count) cannot be changed once the ad group has been published

  • Existing ad groups that are currently paused will also inherit their attribution settings. If an advertiser wants to restart an old ad group, they CANNOT change their attribution settings. They will have to create a new ad group in order to modify attribution settings

  • For live ad groups that inherit attribution settings from Attribution Manager, advertisers cannot modify attribution settings. To change settings, they will have to create a new ad group

Summary of impact on various ad group types:

Campaign Type

Campaign Status

Attribution settings

Existing Ad groups


Existing live campaigns will inherit their settings from the attribution manager.


Existing ad groups that are currently paused will also inherit their attribution settings. If an advertiser wants to restart an old ad group, they CANNOT change their attribution settings. They will have to create a new ad group in order to modify attribution settings.

New Ad groups

Before the ad group is published

Advertisers can modify their attribution settings if the ad group is not published.

After the ad group is published

Advertisers can not modify their settings if the ad group is published.

What is the default ad group level attribution setting?

The default attribution window for all web and OLE campaigns will be:

  • Window: 7 day click and 1 day view

  • Event count: Every

For app campaigns, here are the defaults:

  • Window: 7 day click, 7 day engaged view and 1 day view. Note: Engaged View window is available after completing SAN transition.

  • Event count:

    • AEO for purchase event and VBO: 'Every'

    • Install +AEO for non-purchase optimization: 'Once'

What is the attribution window for offline events?

Here are the default attribution windows for offline: 28d CTA and 1d VTA.

What is the attribution window for non-performance campaigns?

For all brand campaigns (Brand auction, R&F, reservation, Community interaction), the web attribution settings are defaulted to 7dc/1dv.

What attribution windows are available?

This launch does not change what attribution windows are available. Here are the available attribution windows:

  • Click through attribution: 1 day, 7 day, 14 day, 28day

  • View through attribution: Off, 1 day, 7 day

  • Engaged View-through attribution (Only for app-related campaigns): 1 day, 7 day

If an advertiser optimizes to Complete Payment but cares about Add to Cart in their reporting. Will these changes impact how their TikTok Ads Manager reporting looks like?

In a case like this, where the advertiser is optimizing to one event but wants to see TikTok Ads Manager reporting for a different event, note that the attribution window selected for the optimization event will be applied for reporting other events also in that ad group.