About Campaign Budget Optimization
Last updated, May 2024

Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) is a feature that allows you to optimize your budget at the campaign level instead of the ad group. This feature will let you apply a single set of budget optimizations to all the ad groups that belong to your campaign rather than setting them up individually.

To create a campaign using Campaign Budget Optimization, you will need to set up your campaign within the following parameters:

  • Advertising Objective: Video View, Traffic, Catalog Sales, Lead Generation, Community Interaction, App Promotion, Website Conversions, and Reach

  • Scenarios

    • Bid Strategy: Lowest Cost and Bid Cap

    • Budget Mode: Daily Budget and Lifetime Budget

  • Delivery Type: Standard 

  • Split Test: Not supported 

To enable Campaign Budget Optimization

  1. Create a new campaign. 

  2. Select a supported Advertising Objective.

  3. Turn on the Campaign Budget Optimization toggle. 

About Campaign Budget Optimization-CBO+toggle+on-GIF

4. ​Select a Budget; all ad groups in this campaign will share this budget. Choose between Daily and Lifetime.

About Campaign Budget Optimization-Lifetime+Budget-GIF

5. ​Select the Bid Strategy when setting up the first ad group. Choose between Lowest Cost and Bid cap

About Campaign Budget Optimization-Bid+Cap-GIF

6. Under Delivery Type, Standard is the only available option and cannot be changed. 

7. Configure the rest of your ad group settings and create your ads. When configuring your ad groups, they should all share the same Optimization Goal.
