Data Monitor

FAQs for Video Insights
Last updated: May 2024

What is the traceback date for historical data?

Video Insights data is available starting April 1, 2022.

How is the industry benchmark calculated and what data does it include?

The industry benchmark figure is calculated using global TikTok data (no third-party data) for advertisers. An advertiser's industry corresponds to the registered account industry during initial account creation. The "Top %" tag will inform advertisers how their video performs when compared to all other videos in the same industry.

Will the industry benchmarks be adjusted to the time frame you have defined?

Yes. However, industry benchmark data does not tend to fluctuate very much.

Does Video Insights support Spark Ads data?

Yes, Video Insights includes Spark Ads and non-Spark Ads data.

I have an account with no data reported. What's wrong?

First, check the date filter and widen your time frame to capture data from when the videos actually ran. If the issue persists, submit a support ticket or reach out to your TikTok representative.

Where can I find metric definitions?

Please visit this page for a complete glossary of our reporting metrics on TikTok Ads Manager.

Is conversion data counted against the 1st view or potentially the 2nd view-through of the video?

Conversions are calculated on the "last touch," so this would be for the most recent view from that user. 90% of clicks or conversions happen during the first view-through of the video.

The key frame analysis graph shows that the majority of my clicks or conversions are happening in the first 0-1 seconds of the video. Is this correct?

Yes, based on a deeper dive into the data, this is correct. Data shows that 60% of all clicks on a video happen within the first 6 seconds of a video, with 36%+ of those happening in the first 0-2 seconds of a video. Data shown here is also rounded to the nearest second, meaning that if a click or conversion happened at 2.4 seconds, it would show as happening at 2 seconds. Conversion events represent the click time of when the conversion was generated, but not the exact time the conversion occurred.

Why do some metrics in the keyframe analysis graph not add up to the total amount of the same metric in the summary table on the home page?

Metrics in the key frame analysis graph are an estimate and may vary from the summary metrics on the home page due to iOS14 policy. Pangle data is also not supported in the by-second breakdown.