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Managing accounts with Business Center

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How to manage users and asset sharing in Enterprise Business Center

Terakhir diperbarui: February 2025

With Enterprise Business Center, you can efficiently manage users and asset sharing across your organization. This includes adding or removing users, managing asset sharing, editing permissions, and viewing activity logs across all of your Business Centers within a single interface.

How to search for members, accounts, partners, and assets across accounts

  1. Log in to your Enterprise Business Center.

  2. From the left hand side menu, under Users, click Organization.

  3. On the Organization page, find the Search bar in the upper right hand corner.

  4. Click the dropdown list to filter your search.

  5. Filter your search across the following to find what you're looking for:

    • All (contains all Enterprise/Standard Business Centers, members, assets, etc)

    • Tiers

    • Partners

    • Members

    • Assets

How to view and share assets across all of your Standard Business Centers

  1. Log in to your Enterprise Business Center.

  2. From the left hand side menu, under Users, click Organization.

  3. Choose the Standard Business Centers you want to share assets with.

  4. Click the Assets tab.

  5. Choose the asset type you'd like to share (e.g. ad account, pixel, catalogs, leads).

  6. Click Share.

  7. Select the assets you'd like to share with the chosen Standard Business Center.

  8. Toggle on the permission level for the Standard Business Center.

  9. Click Assign.

How to find members and change permissions across Standard Business Centers

  1. Log in to your Enterprise Business Center.

  2. From the left hand side menu, under Users, click Organization.

  3. Choose the Standard Business Centers you want to manage.

  4. Click the Members tab.

  5. Find the member whose permissions you wish to edit.

  6. In the Role column, click the pencil icon next to the member's current role.

  7. Make your desired changes to the member information.

  8. Click Confirm.

Note: To delete a member entirely, you can click the trash can icon in the Action column and click Confirm.

How to view members, partners, and activities across Business Centers

  1. Log in to your Enterprise Business Center.

  2. From the left hand side menu, click Activity log.

  3. In the top right hand corner, choose your date/time range by clicking the dates in the Time section.

  4. In the top right hand corner, you can also filter by Activity type:

    • All

    • Users

    • Assets

    • Business

  5. In the top right hand corner, click Export to export your activity log to an excel file. This will allow you to share the information offline with people who do not have access to your Business Center. You can also analyze and format the data to fit your needs within your excel file.

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