Create an ad group

Landing Page View
Last updated: May 2024

Landing Page View (LPV) is a new optimization goal under the Traffic objective, which aims to drive higher quality traffic to advertisers' websites or Instant Pages.

A Landing Page View is counted only:

  • If the ad is clicked

  • And the landing page is successfully loaded (either third-party website or TikTok Instant Pages)

Landing Page View works by understanding users who click on TikTok ads and remain in session until the landing page loads. It then delivers ads to users who are likely to remain in session.

Availability of Landing Page View



Promotion type



All global advertisers who run auction ads with TikTok for Business, including KA and SMB


All global markets with auction ads

Operating System

iOS & Android

Landing page type

Third-party landing page and TikTok Instant Page




Bidding Strategy

-Lowest Cost

-Cost Cap

Other products

-Campaign Budget Optimization, Suggested Bid, Display Cards, Automatic Targeting, DMP Audience, Spark ads, and Collection ads are supported.

-Split Test is NOT supported yet.

Set up guide

To create an ad group with the optimization goal "Landing Page View", follow the steps below.

At the Campaign level

  • You need to select Auction as the buying type and Traffic as the objective; afterward, you need to complete other parts at the campaign level.

    • Don't select Split Test at the campaign level, as Split Test and LPV are not compatible yet.

      At the Campaign level - Image

At the Ad Group level

  • Select Website as the promotion type.

    At the Ad Grop Level - Image

  • Select Automatic Placement or select TikTok or Pangle as your placement.

    Please select Automatic Placement or select

  • Select Landing page view as the optimization goal and complete other parts at the ad group level.

    • Clicks will be the default optimization goal unless advertisers manually change it to Landing page view.


At the Ad level

  • Complete all parts at the ad level. Advertisers can set up pixel tracking at the ad level if they want.

    Complete all parts at the ad level - Image

At all levels

  • Create custom TikTok ads report with Landing Page View.

    • Advertisers can choose Custom columns first, then Page Event on the left-hand side, and lastly choose Landing Page View.

    • After that, advertisers can check Landing Page View metric for all ad groups, regardless of whether they are optimizing toward Landing Page View or not.

      At all levels - Image


What causes discrepancies between Landing Page View, Google Analytics Page View, and Google Analytics Session?

It is normal to have discrepancies between Landing Page View, Google Analytics Page View, and Google Analytics Session because TikTok, Google Analytics, or any other third-party tracking systems have different definitions and firing logic for different metrics.

If a user clicks on the ad and the advertiser's website is successfully loaded, then the user spends 5 minutes browsing several pages on the advertiser's website, there will be one Landing Page View. This is one session but multiple page views. And if the same user browses several pages and then leaves, but several hours later they come back and browses several more pages, then a second session will be recorded.

How does Landing Page View differ from standard events supported by the pixel?

Landing Page View is a metric that TikTok computes as a landing page loads. This metric measures ad campaign effectiveness and helps optimize ad delivery of campaigns. In contrast, View Content and Default Page View information is event information that advertisers share with TikTok via TikTok's pixel and Events API from their site.