
About TikTok Click ID
Last updated: May 2024

TikTok Click ID (TTCLID) is a tracking parameter appended to a landing page URL when you click on an ad on TikTok, helping TikTok to improve ad attribution and performance by associating your Click ID with a campaign.


When you share triggered web events through the Pixel or Events API with TikTok, and those events contain Click IDs, TikTok matches the Click ID to your actions on TikTok. We use matched event information for attribution, audience building, ad delivery optimization, and measurement.

Click ID auto-attachment does not impact other custom tracking parameters you may have enabled.


Landing page URL examples

Your landing page URL

Updated landing page URL

To manually attach the TikTok Click ID to your landing page URL, follow the steps outlined in Set up TikTok Click ID and Cookies.

Each Click ID is unique and adheres to the same CTA window configured in Attribution Manager.


In addition, you will have the ability to preview and validate the URLs by either using the Preview button when creating or editing ads in TikTok Ads Manager or by following the steps in How to Preview Ads.

Removing TikTok Click ID

If you wish to remove the TikTok Click ID from your landing page URLs, you are able to do so programmatically or by editing your website code similarly to the way you manage other query parameters by following the steps outlined Set up TikTok Click ID and Cookies.