Advertising on TikTok

Specifications for TikTok Interactive add-on: Display Card for Auction, Reach, and Frequency ads

Last updated: July 2024

Display Card is an interactive add-on product that lets you include cards within your in-feed video ads. You can use these cards to highlight important messages, share exclusive offers, and direct people to your website or app. Learn more about the TikTok Interactive add-on: Display Card for Auction, Reach, and Frequency ads.

Specifications for designing a Display Card

Specifications for a Display Card Showcase Interactive add-on:

  • Card popup will automatically appear after the ad runs for a few seconds. based on mode to calculate the optimized pop up time based on the ad objective, industry, and peoples behavior, cannot be customized.

  • Supported formats include .jpg, .jpeg, and .png.

  • Doesn't have a file size limitation.

  • The final display size must be 750 by 421. You can upload any size file and use the tools on platform to crop and resize the image to fit the required display size.

  • Avoid using transparent design assets in the Display Card. Don't make the middle of the card transparent, but the border of the card can be transparent.

  • The shape of the card must be rectangular.

  • Include a Click to Action (CTA) button and make it clearly visible.

  • The color should stand out from the video.

  • Avoid creative material with low pixels.

  • Make the edge of the material smooth and clear, not mosaic and serrated.

TikTok Interactive Add-on: Display Card for Auction & Reach & Frequency-incorrect sample-JPG

Use the following display card safe zones to help you prepare the interactive add-on in feed ads.

Note: Standard Version Left to Right (LTR) refers to all regions except the Arabic region that uses the Right to Left (RTL) version.

Standard Version LTR


Safezone-Standard Version LTR-Vertical


Safezone-Standard Version LTR-Square


Safezone-Standard Version LTR-Horizontal

Arabic Version RTL


Safezone-Arabic Version RTL-Vertical


Safezone-Arabic Version RTL-Square


Safezone-Arabic Version RTL-Horizontal

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