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Specifications for TikTok Interactive add-on: Super Like
Last updated: July 2024

Super Like is an Interactive add-on that engages the audience with a surprise visual element after liking a video ad. With Super Like, heart-shaped and customized icons float across the screen when the audience likes or taps twice on the ads. You can also choose to add an optional custom pop-up card that will appear after the Super Like finishes floating across the screen. When a person clicks on the pop-up, it will take them to the ad landing page. Learn more about the Interactive add-on: Super Like.

TikTok Interactive Add-on Super Like-overview-PNG1

Specifications for designing a Super Like

Specifications for a Super Like Interactive add-on:

  • Dimensions: 196 pixels by 196 pixels (px) with a minimum of 160px by 160px.

  • File size: less than or equal to 50 KB

  • Format: .png

  • Output size: 200px by 200px. The visual can not go beyond this area.

  • Provide one static image. The image will automatically be scaled down to different sizes when the animation is displayed on the screen.

  • The design must be rich and filled with background color. Avoid visuals like hollow, shadow, element dispersion, unplump shape, and stereoscopic vision.

  • The Super Like image can be designed in different shapes. The maximum width and height of the key elements should fill up the red effective area. The minimum width and height are width is 160px, height is 160px. When the shape is a rectangle, the corners of the rectangle need to be 24px rounded.

  • When the Super Like image has a rectangular shape, the corners of the rectangle need to be 24px rounded.

  • Avoid situations where the design subject is too small to even reach the red effective area boundary, as this will affect the display effect.

  • Leave 2px for trim around the valid area.

Note: The dimensions indicate the maximum height and maximum width of the design and is not the output size of the design. The output size of the design is 200px by 200px.

Specifications for the pop-up card

  • Dimensions: 620px by 788px

  • File size: less than or equal to 3MB

  • Format: .jpg,.jpeg, or .png

  • Include the call-to-action (CTA) button element design at the bottom of the popup card design at 620 by 168 pixels to guide people to click.

  • Avoid pure white or transparent design.

Note: the pop-up card is optional.

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