About Generate with AI in TikTok Ads Manager

Last updated: February 2025

Generate with AI quickly produces creative assets for use in your ads, all within TikTok Ads Manager's ad creation process. The feature works by analyzing content, populated either manually, from a product ID, or from a URL, and then leveraging AI to generate relevant video materials.

How Generate with AI works

  1. Content input: You can provide Generate with AI with content such as a product URL, product ID from TikTok Shop, or manual input.

  2. Creative generation: Generate with AI analyzes the content input, including product, price, scenario, and other contextual information, to generate creative assets, including video and images, AI-generated scripts, voiceovers, avatars, and other elements.

  3. Creative auto-selection: Generate with AI then selects up to 10 of the most suitable creatives based on our AI's content understanding and recommended strategies. You can then add or subtract from this selection as needed for your ads.


  1. Generate with AI is being made available to select advertisers and you will see it available in TikTok Ads Manager when it is made available to you.

  2. Generate with AI supports the following campaign objectives: traffic, lead generation, app promotion, web conversion, product sales, and Smart+ for web.

  3. Generate with AI is currently available for English content only.

  4. When providing Generate with AI with a URL, it must include a maximum of a single item or product on the page.

Learn how to use Generate with AI

Depending on your intended campaign and objectives, you can access and create with Generate with AI in various areas within TikTok Ads Manager.