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About Instant Pages
Last updated: May 2024

An Instant Page is a fast-loading lightweight web page that loads up to 11 times faster on TikTok than a standard web page. Instant Pages offer a variety of templates to make it easy to create your own Instant Page, you can also customize your own Instant Page by editing its components like text, picture, video, carousels, and call to action buttons.

Moreover, you can even optimize ad delivery against conversions and actions that take place on your Instant Page.


  • ​Buying Type: Auction, Reach & Frequency

  • ​Advertising Objective: Traffic, Conversions, Reach, Video Views

  • ​Split Test: Supported

  • ​Promotion Type: Website (Traffic and Conversions Objective only)

  • ​Placement: TikTok, Pangle

  • ​Ad Format: Non-Spark Ads, Spark Ads

  • Cards: Display Card, Gift Code Card

For instructions on how to create an Instant Page, see "How to Create an Instant Page." 

And for more inspiration on how advertisers are using Instant Pages, please see "Lower My Bills" and "Get Contact".