Performance and web

Interactive Add-on: Gesture
Last updated: May 2024

Gesture is an Interactive Add-on product that invites the audience to tap or swipe on an ad in order to unveil rewards or more information. This is a strong invitation for the audience to interact since they get a payoff by physically engaging with the ad.

If the audience does not perform the gesture, the ad will continue to play, and the reward popup card will not appear. The Gesture reward pop-up card supports either a static image or GIF animation.

Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 1.26.47 PM


  • Reach (Reach & Frequency and Auction)

  • 6-second Focused View

  • Traffic (allowlist)

  • App Promotions (allowlist)

How to create Gesture ads

To get started

  1. ​Create a new campaign.

  2. Select objective among Reach (Reach & Frequency and Auction), 6-second Focused View, Traffic, or App Promotions (if the account has been allowlisted for access).

  3. ​Set up your ad group.

  4. ​Then click Next.

  5. ​From the Submit Order and Reserve Audience pop-up, click Continue to Ad.

  6. ​Enable the Identity toggle to create a Spark ad or turn it off to create a non-Spark ad.

  7. ​Select Single Video as the Ad Format.

  8. ​Complete your ad creative: video, ad text, link, and call to action.

  9. ​Under Interactive Add-ons, click Create.

  10. ​From the Interactive Add-on pop-up, choose Premium add-on, select Gesture, and click Confirm.

Create an Interactive Gesture pop-up

From the Gesture pop-up window, you will need to create your interactive gesture.

  1. ​Select an Interactive Gesture, choose from: Click, Straight Slide, or Curved Slide.

  2. ​Then write the text you want to display with your Interactive Gesture in the Interactive Guide field.

  3. ​Determine when you want the Interactive Gesture pop-up to appear using the video timeline under the Preview tool or the Interactive Gesture pop-up time field. You cannot place the Interactive pop-up in the first 3 seconds or the last 5 seconds of your video.

  4. ​Set the position of where the Interactive Motion pop-up will appear in your video. You can do this by dragging the two dots on the Interactive Motion pop-up in the safe zone of the Preview tool or by entering an exact position in the Interactive Gesture placement fields.

  5. ​You can also adjust the angle of the Interactive Motion pop-up by dragging the endpoints of the Interactive Motion pop-op in the safe zone in the Preview tool or by entering an exact angle in the Interactive Motion angle field.

  6. Background music for Gesture is required. Go to the Interactive Gesture background music field and click Select music to pick background music from the drop-down menu or click Upload to use your own.

  7. ​Lastly, you will need to upload your Interactive Gesture pop-up card; this is the pop-up card that will appear when the audience performs the Interactive motion.

  8. ​Click Confirm when you have finished building your interactive motion.

  9. ​From the Ad creation page, click Submit when you are ready to publish your ad.

For more information about the Gesture ad specifications, please refer to TikTok Interactive Add-on: Gesture.